ASK A QUESTION Reading Time: < 1 minute Ask a Question Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem 22 Shawwal 1445 2 May 2024 Assalamu Alaikum Alhamdulillah, Jamiatul Ulama Gauteng has launched an Ifta department. When submitting questions, kindly keep in mind the following: 1) We will prioritize answering questions related to Ibaadat, such as Tahaarat, Salaah, fasting, and Hajj. 2) Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to provide mediation and arbitration services. For such services, kindly reach out to other reputable organizations who are on the Haqq. 3) Questions regarding inheritance should include a list of all the relatives of the deceased who were alive at the time of death of the deceased. 4) Regarding commercial products, due to our limited capacity, we cannot engage with manufacturers to ascertain the status of ingredients. We recommend contacting the manufacturers directly for this information. 5) We will strive to provide responses within seven days. 6) Please note that only questions submitted through our website form will be answered by the Ifta department. 7) Urgent queries should be marked as urgent in the subject. Jazakallahu Khairan Your Name Your Email Subject Your Question *Please note once the threshold amount of questions has been reached, the submit button will not appear.