These Three Are The Mothers Of All Actions

These Three Are The Mothers Of All Actions

It is reported from Hadhrat Abu Sa-eed رضي الله عنها that Nabi-e-Kareem صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم said, “One who consumes Halaal and pure sustenance and acts upon the Sunnah while avoiding causing harm and difficulty to others, will enter into Jannah.” BENEFIT:...
Solitude (Khalwat)

Solitude (Khalwat)

As long as the relationship with the Creator is not well-established and grounded, association with the creation is extremely harmful. The ostensible reason advanced for association with people, viz. fulfilment of their obligations, can be truly fulfilled only if the...
Grey Hairs

Grey Hairs

It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah رضي الله عنه said: Do not pluck grey hairs, for they will be light on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever has one hair that turns grey in Islam will have one hasanah for each grey hair and he will be raised one degree.” Narrated by Ibn...


Hadhrat Salmaan Faarsi (radhiyallahu anhu) who was a Sahaabi of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) had married a very wealthy lady from the Tribe of Kindah. After the Nikah he went to her house. Standing at the door, he called his wife by her name. There was no...