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According to a letter received by a concerned Muslim from Bokomo Foods, they have confirmed that ALL FLAVOURS OF PRONUTRO are NOT HALAAL!

Muslims are urged to abstain.

[Excerpt of letter below]

From: Brown, Carol
Sent: 07 April 2010 03:53 PM

Dear XXX,

Thank you, once again for your inquiry.

According to the feedback received from our research and development and quality assurance departments:

We are using a flavour in the ProNutro base which gives it the ‘typical’ ProNutro flavour. Unfortunately, this flavour is not Halaal certified. We have conducted trials, in which we endeavoured to find a replacement for this flavour, but they were unfortunately not successful.

[Our Comment: If the flavour was Halaal in the first place, why would Bokomo endeavour to find a replacement? Why did they not state this as expressly as they have for their other cereals? Does it not make sense to conclude that the present flavours in Pronutro are Haraam.]

We thank you for your valued support and feedback and hope to restore your faith and trust in our products and service.

Kind regards

Carol Brown

Customer Services

Bokomo Foods

A division of Pioneer Foods (Pty) Ltd.

Tel: +27 21 9707300

Fax: +27 21 8075118

EXCERPT OF LIST SUPPLIED BY BOKOMO FOODS [Note: This list below has been forwarded by Bokomo themselves, with the details of the products, ingredients, kosher and halaal status. Under Bokomo’s halaal status they themselves have indicated that ALL their Pronutro flavours are NOT halaal. No mention is made of ‘halaal-certification.’ Is this not a damning factor in itself?  Despite this, Sanha is defending Bokomo tooth and nail on their propaganda Radio. No prizes for guessing who will get the certification contract from Bokomo.]

PRODUCT                             INGREDIENTS                                                 KOSHER         HALAAL

Pronutro Original Maize, Soya, Sugar, Chicory (Source of fructo-oligo saccharides), Minerals (Potassium Iodide, Sodium Selenite, Tricalcium phosphate, Reduced Iron, Zinc Oxide, Magnesium Oxide), Salt, Nature identical flavours, Amino acids (Lysine & Methionine), Vitamins, and Beta Carotene (E160A) Yes (Milchik) No

Pronutro Whole-wheat Original Wheat flour (Gluten), Soya, Wheat bran (Gluten), Sugar, Chicory (Source of Fructo-oligo Saccharides), Minerals (Potassium Iodide, Sodium Selenite, Tricalcium Phosphate, Electrolytic Iron, Zinc Oxide, Magnesium Oxide), Salt, Amino Acids (Lysine & Methionine), Vitamins and Beta Carotene (E160a) Yes (Milchik) No

Pronutro Banana Maize, Soya, Sugar, Chicory (Source of fructo-oligo saccharides), Minerals (Potassium Iodide, Sodium Selenite, Tricalcium phosphate, Reduced Iron, Zinc Oxide, Magnesium Oxide), Salt, Nature identical flavours, Amino acids (Lysine & Methionine), Vitamins, and Beta Carotene (E160a) Yes (Milchik) No

Pronutro Strawberry Maize, Soya, Sugar, Milk solids, Chicory (Source of fructo-oligo saccharides), Minerals (Potassium Iodide, Sodium Selenite, Tricalcium phosphate, Reduced Iron, Zinc Oxide, Magnesium Oxide), Salt, Nature identical flavours(E1200, E122, E551), Acidifying agents (Citric acid – E330), Amino acids (Lysine & Methionine), Vitamins, Beta carotene (E160a), and Colourants (E122,E160a) Yes (Milchik) No

Pronutro Chocolate Maize, Soya, Sugar, Milk solids, Cocoa Powder, Chicory (Source of fructo-oligo saccharides), Minerals (Potassium Iodide, Sodium Selenite, Tricalcium phosphate, Reduced Iron, Zinc Oxide, Magnesium Oxide), Salt, Nature identical flavour (E1518),Amino acids (Lysine and Methionine), Vitamins, and Beta Carotene (E160a) Yes (Milchik) No