Rockefeller Vaccine Secret Revealed

Reading Time: 15 minutes


needlePart I: Saying “No” to vaccines says “No” to Rockefeller social control

By Jeffry John Aufderheide | May 25th, 2010 | Jeffry John Aufderheide

History books proclaim with absolute certainty that the pinnacle of public health is defined by the polio vaccine program. Disease finally conquered by science. The polio effort was a benchmark for the public to mentally accept the concept “shots prevent disease.” However, hidden to most Americans was an elaborate Public Relations scheme being carefully applied by Rockefeller interests intended for social control.

Three central institutions where at the forefront of the polio war: the Roosevelt Warm Springs Foundation, the National Foundation of Infantile Paralysis or March of Dimes, and the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. Through these foundations and organizations, polio transmogrified into a major childhood disease. The massive public relations campaign pushing the polio agenda targeting the American people was organized by Carl Byoir, propagandist extraordinaire.

“When you set out to influence and persuade people to action, when the campaign is tremendous, nation-wide [sic] in scope, don’t think that it just happens; something has to be done to get millions of people to think the thought you want them to think and then to get them to act on that thought.” -Carl Byoir

The PR campaign was intended to tug at the heart string of Americans by using stars such as Sammy Davis Junior, Tennessee Ernie, Lucile Ball and others. Why would the Rockefeller Institute, March of Dimes, and the Roosevelt Warm Springs Foundation use someone as powerful and costly as Carl Byoir simply to propagandize a childhood disease?

The big picture is that the Polio scare campaign would provide the everlasting foundation for all the future vaccine programs. Is it by chance the hypnotic words “life saving” and “effective” became synonymous with the word “vaccine” after the polio campaign?

The motive of these organizations is perhaps the best understood by author and researcher Lily E. Kay. She wrote about the motives of the Rockefeller family in her book, “The Molecular Vision of Life.” On page 8 she wrote, “The motivation behind the enormous investment in the new (“Science of Man”) agenda was to develop the human sciences as a comprehensive explanatory and applied framework for social control grounded in the natural, medical, and social sciences.” (notation mine)

“Applied social control”, simply stated, is the misuse of any branch of commerce, science, law, politics, or religion for compliance to an ulterior motive held by those in power. Examples, such as the Rockefeller-backed Federal Reserve Bank, is a perfect model of applied economic social control.

Lily Kay continues to elaborate, “With that agenda, the new biology (originally named “psychobiology”) was erected on the bedrock of the physical sciences in order to rigorously explain and eventually control the fundamental mechanisms governing human behavior, placing a particularly strong emphasis on (eugenics) heredity.” (notation on eugenics mine)

 Ye shall know them by their fruits.

The success of the polio vaccine program was instrumental in implementing what euphemistically has become known as the “Gold Standard” in allopathic medicine: The American Childhood Vaccine Schedule. The vaccines listed within this program are predicated on the sole belief that polio was eradicated with a vaccine.

With strategically planned and executed applied social control systems as the backdrop, what are some of the unintended consequences of adopting a policy of “shots preventing disease?”

Firstly, parents are consistently, relentlessly, and blatantly lied to that their children must be up to date on their vaccines in order to attend school. Rarely are they informed that they have the option to apply for a vaccine exemption (religious, medical or philosophical depending on the state). However, new pharmaceutical-backed School Based Health Clinics are being implemented around the country and parents may soon find that they no longer have a choice in the matter.

Secondly, what about going to the pediatrician? The “Polio Question” is unsheathed immediately by many “brave” pediatricians to pierce through any parental doubt on vaccination. They constantly remind parents of the graphical pictures with children in iron lungs; memories which are etched in our collective consciousness. Parents are then scolded, “You don’t want polio to come back, do you?” When many sincere parents continue to ask questions the pediatrician cannot answer, they are encouraged to be promptly slain.

Third, the “Polio Question” has become a potent weapon of social ridicule. Parents attempting to offer “valid opinions”, empirical observations, and anecdotal stories of their personal experiences with their vaccine injured children have become the object of ridicule. They are marginalized as not “adequately educated” by a bonafide, scientific medical institution. More over, “rebellious parents” are regularly accused of child neglect and free loading on society. They are maliciously threatened with the heavy hand of Child Protective Services and the Judicial System. It matters not that a majority of the parents and family members who are actively questioning vaccines have observed first hand a life threatening reaction to vaccines.

Which brings us to the most egregious strategy of vaccine compliance: persecuting families with vaccine injured children. In the United Kingdom it is called Munchhausen by Proxy. In the United States it is called Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS). How many parents have had their children snatched away by social services after an adverse reaction from a vaccine? Victimized parents have likened this to organized kidnapping.

Wisdom can be found in the adage, “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” The new undercurrent in today’s society worships the type of science and authority that brought us the polio vaccine. Thus, understanding the motive of those in power is a primary principle.

After all, Dorthy didn’t discover who the “real” Wizard of Oz was until she pulled back the curtain and found one man pulling the levers. Throwing back the curtains of the Polio Vaccine Program, we will certainly see the Rockefeller’s masquerading as Oz.

Part II: Rockefeller Vaccine Secret Revealed

By Jeffry John Aufderheide | August 18th, 2010 |

The Rockefellers manipulate America’s wealth through the Federal Reserve Bank. Are they manipulating your health through vaccines? You be the judge.

by Jeffry John Aufderheide []

You’re sweating.

You anticipate the knock on the door. It could come at any moment now and your mind went blank. The doctor just left the room to get a vaccine for your child. Ringing in your ears were the final words he spoke while leaving, “Responsible parents vaccinate their children.”

Reservations are setting in. You remember a fellow mother who has an injured child following their vaccinations. “Will this vaccine harm my child?” you contemplate. Your family doesn’t get the flu vaccine because your family eats relatively healthfully. You are second-guessing yourself, justifying why you are at the doctor’s office. “But what about polio?” you say. You scan your brain quickly for an answer, “Vaccines eradicated polio, right?” Read on.

The year 1952 marked the worst polio epidemic in the United States – ever. Thousands of children and adults contracted paralytic polio that year. Many died. America demanded swift answers. In response to the outcry, the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (NFIP) and March of Dimes launched a major public relations campaign. The answer was a vaccine.

There was a problem with the approach, though. The vaccine was touted as the only answer to the “childhood crippler”. Put into perspective, their stance did make logical sense. Many scientists had worked on a polio vaccine for more than fifteen years with no fruitful solution.

This is where our story begins.

Secret Revealed
The secret may surprise you. In fact, if my hunches are correct, simply reading this article may change your idea about vaccines for the rest of your life. Here’s why.

The most prominent public figures and scientists researching and developing the polio vaccine had one thing in common: The Rockefeller Institute. Before I tell you some of their names, it may be useful to know about the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. Let me explain.

Many people understand the Rockefellers, along with corporate interests, manipulate the United States money supply through the private Federal Reserve Bank. The scam “The Fed” uses goes by many names: Fractional Reserve Banking, The Fiat Money System or Ponzi Scheme.

They print the money out of thin air that is then lent to banks on interest. The reason the scheme is so sinister is because there is no mathematical way to repay the loan. Some believe the Federal Reserve Bank scam is the Root Cause of our nation’s current financial ills.

Where’s the connection between the Rockefeller Family, Federal Reserve Bank, and the polio vaccine? As I noted above, the common thread of this concept is financial influence through Rockefeller coffers. This influence directly extends to the National Foundation of Infantile Paralysis.

In 1955 Time Magazine wrote of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis blowing the danger of polio out of proportion. But why would anyone blow out of proportion something as serious as polio? Here is a snippet from that article:

“All week the air was full of brickbats for Secretary Hobby and her department, although President Eisenhower defended her (see NATIONAL AFFAIRS). In retrospect, a good deal of the blame for the vaccine snafu also went to the National foundation (for Infantile Paralysis), which, with years of publicity, had built up the danger of polio out of all proportion to its actual incidence, and had rushed into vaccinations this year with patently insufficient preparation.emphasis added

Medicine: Vaccine Snafu. Monday, May 30, 1955,9171,866421-2,00.html#ixzz0lwMucUsM

As a researcher I had to force myself to rethink the implications. I asked myself the question, “If the Rockefellers helped create the Federal Reserve Bank and now manipulate our wealth, are they doing the same through vaccines in order to manipulate our health?”

Delicious Poison
It’s a plausible question. In retrospect many health problems have been attributed to the polio vaccine. For example, the cancer-causing Simian Virus 40 (SV40), made in part from ground up monkey kidneys, contaminated the original polio vaccine. Moreover, the polio vaccine manufactured by Cutter Laboratories and Wyeth was actually causing paralysis!

Even the original cause of polio has been questioned. Documented evidence shows neurotoxic pesticides, such as DDT, sprayed on crops and livestock as a more likely cause of the polio epidemic. Even the vaccine literature states many things that could cause symptoms indistinguishable from polio. So where does knowing this information leave us?

There is enough information available to conclude that scientific discoveries financially supported by the Rockefellers are used for the purpose of social control. You’re going to discover one of the ways the Rockefeller Institute “stacked the deck” in their favor.

After this article, I provide a brief summary of major players on the polio scene. William Welch, Simon Flexner, Karl Landsteiner, Tom Rivers, Thomas Francis, Henry Kumm, Jonas Salk, Albert Sabin, Hilary Koprowski, and Oveta Culp Hobby were all tied to the Rockefellers in some fashion.

As you begin to consider the summaries as a whole, it will radically change your perspective on vaccines and their purpose. Finally, you will know the great depths of the Rockefeller Institution’s involvement pushing through a vaccine as the only answer to the false-flag polio epidemic.


An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.” -Mahatma Gandhi

1. William Henry Welch
The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (RIMR) was created in 1901 through an endowment by the despised Oil Baron, John D. Rockefeller. William Welch was selected to serve as chairman of the advisory medical board of the RIMR. Several years later Welch also became a trustee to the Carnegie Institution in 1906 and chairman of the executive committee in 1909 making him the “…greatest Influential of medicine and biology and a leading figure in the physical sciences as well.” [1]

Welch had an archived photo at the American Philosophical Society’s website, since taken down. The label appeared to infer Welch was involved in poliomyelitis research dating as early as 1887.

If this is the case, Welch was experimenting with polio twenty years prior to Simon Flexner officially doing so at the Rockefeller Institute. [2] The plausibility of Welch having such knowledge is likely because it was two years prior to his becoming “First Pathologist-in-Chief” at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. [3]

To top it off, Welch was a member of the Skull and Bones Fraternity [3] at Yale University and a member of the Board of Scientific Directors of the Eugenics Record Office (ERO). [4] John Rockefeller dutifully donated sums of $35 million and $65 million dollars respectively, the first two years of the ERO’s existence. [5]

2. Simon Flexner
William Henry Welch chose Simon Flexner, his favorite pupil, as director of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. Flexner joined Welch as a trustee to the Carnegie Institution. [6]

Simon Flexner was able to adapt the polio virus to tissue in 1908, thus replicating the discoveries of Karl Landsteiner, the “discoverer of polio”. Historians note that research pertaining to poliomyelitis at the Rockefeller Institute required prior approval from Mr. Flexner himself.

On March 9, 1911, Simon Flexner defended animal tests performed for poliomyelitis research. He was quoted by The New York Times stating, “…we have learned where it [polio] resides, how the disease is spread, how the germ enters the body, the main sources from which infection is acquired, and the available means of combatting [sic] the disease.” However he lamented at the time, “… there is no specific remedy or cure.” [7]

Simon’s brother, Abraham, is best known as author of the notorious “Flexner Report” that closed over half of the medical schools in this country, which taught homeopathy.[8] Petro-chemically based remedies were selected as the new medicine of choice, and precipitated the current allopathic medical profession that promotes and administers vaccines. [9]

3. Karl Landsteiner
“[Landsteiner] also showed that the cause of poliomyelitis could be transmitted to monkeys by injecting into them material prepared by grinding up the spinal cords of children who had died from this disease, and, lacking in Vienna monkeys for further experiments, he went to the Pasteur Institute in Paris, where monkeys were available. His work there, together with that independently done by Flexner and Lewis, laid the foundations of our knowledge of the cause and immunology of poliomyelitis.” [10]

However, Karl Landsteiner is best known for discovering blood groups A, B, and O. Simon Flexner recruited Landsteiner for further research at the Rockefeller Institute.

4. Tom Rivers
Paul Offit writes in his book, The Cutter Incident, “[Tom Rivers] was head of the laboratory for the study of viral diseases at the Rockefeller Institute… By 1935 the Rockefeller Institute was the center for viral research in the United States. Almost everyone who trained in the field of virology trained in Thomas River’s laboratory.” [11]

Rivers helped develop the polio vaccine in addition to serving as chairman of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis Committee of Scientific Research. [12]

5. Thomas ‘Tommy’ Francis
Tom Francis graduated from Yale University in 1925. Shortly after graduation, he joined the Rockefeller Institute. It is cited in his biographical memoir that, “Among his prominent “private patients” were members of the Rockefeller family, and for a time he almost rated as their private physician.” [13]

Shortly after the end of World War II, Francis helped establish the School of Public Health at the University of Michigan. Jonas Salk, the creator of the Inactivated Polio Vaccine, learned from Francis how to formulate vaccines.

Francis would then be in charge of determining if the Salk vaccine was “safe and efficacious” during the polio vaccine trials. [14] 1,800,000 children participated in the “experiment,” and by Francis’ account, there were amazingly no adverse reactions. [15]

By today’s standard, Francis evaluating his student’s vaccine is a blatant and major conflict of interest. Why? If Salk’s vaccine proved to cause paralysis or cancer, which it did, it would reflect poorly upon Francis’ reputation.

Switching gears to an almost seemingly unrelated topic… Dr. Richard Shope of the Rockefeller University, and a good friend of Francis, discovered the Cottontail Rabbit Papilloma Virus (CRPV), which is better known as the Shope papilloma virus, a close cousin to the Human Papilloma Virus. [16]

To bring this discussion full circle to the polio vaccine, we look at a presentation given at the 1954 Third International Poliomyelitis Conference. In it, Nobel Prize winner John Enders demonstrated how the polio virus can be grown on Human Papilloma Cells “affectionately” known as HeLa cells. [17]

HeLa cells were mass produced by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis at the Tuskegee Institute and eventually contaminated cell lines used to produce the Salk vaccine. [18][19] This brings us back to Francis.

According to his memoir, “We (Peyton Rous and Thomas Francis) went to the library where he (Rous) told me they had just found that a number of rabbits they had kept for a long period after inoculation with the Shope papilloma had developed genuine cancers.” [20] emphasis added

*Note: Vaccine inserts clearly state vaccines are not tested for causing cancer (carcinogenesis).

6. Henry Kumm
Henry Kumm worked at the International Health Division of the Rockefeller Foundation for Medical Research in 1928. During the Second World War, Kumm experimented with larvicides containing DDT, a known neurotoxin often related to polio-like symptoms, to control the spread of malaria in Italy. [21] The pesticide DDT is often implicated as a likely cause of the polio epidemic in the 1950s.

As touched upon in the article, livestock and crops were heavily sprayed with DDT in the 1950s.

According to the Medical Archives at John Hopkins, “In 1951, he resigned from the Rockefeller Foundation to accept a position as assistant director of research at the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. He conducted field trials in the study of gamma globulin and the Salk vaccine and became the director of research in 1954. Rejoining the Rockefeller Foundation in 1959, Kumm retired as an associate professor in 1964.” [22]

7. Jonas Salk
Jonas Salk is best known for creating the Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV). Thomas Francis [see #5] was Salk’s mentor and trained Jonas on how to formulate vaccines. Salk tested the IPV on crippled and deformed children at the D.T. Watson Home for Crippled Children. This paved the way for larger trials. [23]

The larger vaccine trials were deemed a “success” by Thomas Francis after testing the vaccine on millions of school children. Afterward, Salk was proclaimed a National Hero through a carefully planned public relations campaign sponsored by Eli Lilly and Company, a research / pharmaceutical company founded in May 1876 by Colonel Eli Lilly.

Yet there were problems with the vaccine; they were causing polio. Salk’s scientific “arch nemesis”, Albert Sabin, called Salk’s IPV vaccine “dangerous” in congressional testimony as the vaccine was causing acute flaccid paralysis. [24]

Both Albert Sabin and Jonas Salk were members of the National Foundation of Infantile Paralysis Committee on Virus Research.

8. Albert Sabin
Albert went to work at the Rockefeller Institute from 1935 through 1939. Albert Sabin created the Oral Polio Vaccine, which was tested on over tens of millions in the USSR between 1955 through 1960 – the largest medical experiment in world history. [25] Albert also tested his vaccine on federal prisoners in Chillicothe, Ohio and on mentally “defective” children. [26]

In a cruel twist of irony, Sabin’s vaccine was causing paralysis; the very same thing he had criticized Jonas Salk’s vaccine of doing. [27]

The Sabin and Salk feud appears to be a false “left/right” paradigm solution as the vaccine schedule shifts from the Salk vaccine to the Sabin vaccine several times. Sabin served on the Scientific Board for the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis.

One last interesting fact about Albert Sabin; is that his cousin was Saul Krugman. [29] Krugman developed the Hepatitis B vaccine by experimenting on children at the infamous Willowbrook State Institution.

According to Offit in the book The Cutter Incident, “In 1957 about sixty retarded children between three and ten years of age were fed hepatitis virus prepared from the feces of children known to have the disease (Hepatitis B), and Krugman watched during the next few weeks as they developed fever, nausea, vomiting, intolerance to food, jaundice (a yellowing of the skin and eyes), and liver damage.” [30]

9. Hilary Koprowski
Hilary Koprowski, Polish-born virologist, found work with the Rockefeller Foundation in Rio de Janeiro researching yellow fever. After World War II, Koprowski worked for Lederle Laboratories where he was assigned to research the poliovirus. His boss at Lederle was Herald Cox who was also trained at the Rockefeller Institute. [31]

In 1950 Koprowski secretly tested his live-virus vaccine on special needs children at Letchworth Village, a place for the “epileptic and feeble-minded.” Oshinsky writes in Polio: An American Story, “Koprowski did not tell Herald Cox about the test… The reason, Koprowski later admitted, was the certainty of being turned down.” [32]

After testing the vaccine on children, Koprowski moved on to Africa to further test his polio vaccine. A strong correlation exists between the testing the Oral Polio Vaccine Koprowski developed and the appearance of HIV/AIDS in Africa. [33]

10. Oveta Culp Hobby
Mrs. Hobby was the first U.S. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare from April 11, 1953 to 1955. Thomas Francis (see #5) announced the results of the “successful” polio vaccine field trial on April 12, 1955 at 2:45 PM, coincidentally the tenth anniversary of President Franklin Roosevelt’s death. Mrs. Hobby pressured the licensing advisory committee to review over two thousand pages of safety data in less than three hours. At 5:15 PM, Oveta Culp Hobby granted permission for the polio vaccine to be manufactured. [34]

The influence of her former top aide, Nelson A. Rockefeller, to make such a hasty decision is unknown.


William Henry Welch
[1] Fleming, D. (1954). William H. Welch and the Rise of Modern Medicine ( pp. 157-158). Boston: Little, Brown and Company.

[2] Thomas M. Rivers Papers. Retrieved August 16th, 2010, from

[3] John Hopkins Medical Institutions. Chronology of the Life of William Henry Welch. Retrieved August 16th, 2010 from

[4] Black, E. (2003). War Against the Weak (pp. 89). New York: Four Walls Eight Windows.

[5] Ibid., pp. 93.

Simon Flexner
[6] Langland, J. (1911). Chicago Daily News Almanac Year Book for 1912 (pp. 127). The Dallas News Company.

[7] New York Times. Near To A Cure For Infantile Paralysis. Retrieved August 16th , 2010, from

[8] The Carnegie Foundation. Medical Education In the United States and Canada: A Report To the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Retrieved August 16th, 2010 from

[9] Griffin, G. E. He Who Pays the Piper – Creation of the Modern Medical (Drug) Establishment. Retrieved August 16th, 2010 from

Karl Landsteiner
[10] Nobel Prize in Medicine. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1930: Karl Landsteiner. Retrieved August 16th, 2010 from

Thomas Rivers
[11] Offit, P. (2005). The Cutter Incident: How America’s First Polio Vaccine Led to the Growing Vaccine Crisis (pp. 16). New Haven and London: Yale University Press.

[12] Wilson, D. (2009). Polio (pp. 152). Greenwood Publishing Group.

Thomas Francis
[13] Paul, J. (1974). A Biographical Memoir: Thomas Francis, Jr. – 1900-1969 (pp. 63). Washington D.C.: National Academy of Sciences. Retrieved August 17th, 2010 from

[14] T. Francis, Jr., et al., Evaluation of the 1954 Field Trial of Poliomyelitis Vaccine; Final Report (Ann Arbor, Mich., Edwards Brothers, Inc., 1957), p. xxvii.

[15] Paul, J. (1974). A Biographical Memoir: Thomas Francis, Jr. – 1900-1969 (pp. 79). Washington D.C.: National Academy of Sciences. Retrieved August 17th, 2010 from

[16] Ibid., pp 85.

[17] Enders, J. Papers and Discussions Presented at the Third International Poliomyelitis Conference: Developments in Tissue Culture., (pp. 221). Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company.

[18] Brown, R., et. al. The Mass Production and Distribution of HeLa Cells at Tuskegee Institute, 1953-55. J Hist Med Allied Sci.1983; 38: 415-431.

[19] Nelson-Rees, W.A. Responsibility for truth in research. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2001 June 29; 356(1410): 849-851.

[20] Paul, J. (1974). A Biographical Memoir: Thomas Francis, Jr. – 1900-1969 (pp. 79). Washington D.C.: National Academy of Sciences. Retrieved August 17th, 2010 from

Henry Kumm
[21] Snowden, F.M. (2006). The Conquest of Malaria: Italy, 1900-1962, (pp. 200). Frederick W. Hilles Publication Fund of Yale University.

[22] Medical Archives of The John Hopkins Medical Institutions. Henry W. Kumm Collection. Retrieved August 17th , 2010 from

Jonas Salk
[23] Offit, P. (2005). The Cutter Incident: How America’s First Polio Vaccine Led to the Growing Vaccine Crisis (pp. 35). New Haven and London: Yale University Press.

[24] Dangerous Virus: Albert Sabin, testifying at hearings before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, House of Representatives, Eighty-Fourth Congress, First Session, May 27, 1955.

Albert Sabin
[25] Oshinsky, D.M. (2005). Polio: An American Story (pp. 245). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

[26] Ibid.

[27] Langmuir, A. Report of Special Advisory Committee on Oral Poliomyelitis Vaccines to the Surgeon General of Public Health Service. JAMA. 1964;190(1):49-51.

[28] Henderson, D.A., et. al. Paralytic Disease Associated With Oral Polio Vaccines. JAMA. 1964;190(1):41-48.

[29] Frederick L. Ehrman Medical Library Archives Exhibit. Saul Krugman M.D., Physician, Scientist, Teacher 1911-1995. Retrieved August 17th 2010 from

[30] Offit, P. (2005). The Cutter Incident: How America’s First Polio Vaccine Led to the Growing Vaccine Crisis (pp. 37). New Haven and London: Yale University Press.

Hilary Koprowski
[31] Oshinsky, D.M. (2005). Polio: An American Story (pp. 135). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

[32] Ibid.

[33] Hooper, E. Experimental oral polio vaccines and acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2001 Jun 29;356(1410):803-14.

Ovetta Culp Hobby
[34] Offit, P. (2005). The Cutter Incident: How America’s First Polio Vaccine Led to the Growing Vaccine Crisis (pp. 61-63). New Haven and London: Yale University Press.

Related Articles:

  1. Part I: Saying “No” to vaccines says “No” to Rockefeller social control
  2. Oral vaccine not enough to stop polio, finds study
  3. Rockefellers Own All Drug Companies
  4. Dr. Russell Blaylock on Who Created Orthodox Medicine
  5. Polio eradication campaign uncovers 89,999 cases of acute flaccid paralysis worldwide