American soldier joins Mujahideen of Syria
American soldier joins Mujahideen of Syria
Publication time: 14 March 2013, 01:27
A former US soldier, 30-year-old Eric Harroun, the reservist (because of a severe injury), became a fighter of Jabhat an-Nusra – one of the largest associations of Syrian Mujahideen who are fighting for the establishment of Sharia state, reports Fox News.
Harroun, a native of Phoenix, Arizona, said he converted to Islam and now has become a Sunni Muslim. He considers “Israel” and Iran enemies, and fully supports the fight of the Syrian rebels against Assad regime.
An US citizen also said that on arrival to Syria he had first fought in the ranks of a rebel battalion sticking to secular beliefs, but in one of the battles, almost all of his colleagues were killed, after that he joined the Jabhat an-Nusra fighters who gave him the nickname “Amriki”, or “The American”.
Harroun said that during the clashes in Syria, he had personally killed several Assad’s soldiers and Shabiha militants and an Iranian.
In an interview to the TV channel the American shrugged off a question about “fighting alongside Al Qaeda terrorists” stating that in this war “US government plays both sides”. However, he specified that he never would have caused harm to American soldiers, but did not say the same about the soldiers of “Israel”.
Harroun’s father told that the US Army sent his son to the reserves after a serious injury in a car accident that occurred in 2003.
After the accident, he spent a long time in the hospital, where a part of his skull was replaced with a steel plate. The father added that he did not really understand what happened to his son, but remembered that after his discharge from the army he was very depressed and he could not start a new life.
On the latest photos, posted on a personal page on Facebook, Harroun, however, does not look depressed, but instead, always smiles and looks pleased with life. The same picture can be seen on the video recordings, posted on the YouTube.