The Jamiatul Ulama Gauteng’s response to Sanha’s drivel:
Assalamu Alaykum
The Jamiatul Ulama Gauteng’s response to Sanha’s drivel:
Sanha states: The Halaal poultry slaughter process at Rainbow and commercial abattoirs of the like was initiated and/or endorsed by Ulama Institutions and leading Islamic Scholars of the past the likes of the marhoom Mufti Shafi r.a., Moulana Ansaari r.a., Moulana Omarjee r.a., Moulana Sema r.a., Mufti Ebrahim Sanjalvi r.a., Mufti Bashir Sanjalvi r.a., Moulana Yunus Patel r.a. Mufti Ahmad Mia r.a. including many leading contemporary Ulama.
Our response: That the above handful Ulama of yesteryear erred is clear from the fact that the contemporary Ulama of the KZN Jamiat which consists of many Mufti’s, Mashaa-ikh and Ulama who are serving the Deen with distinction, the Jamiatul Ulama Gauteng, the Majlisul Ulama of South Africa, the Eminent Mufti A.K. Hussain who has a following of tens of thousands of people throughout the World, the Eminent Mufti Ilyaas who has compiled and translated hundreds of kitaabs and whose web site has thousands of daily hits – all of them concur unanimously that ALL COMMERCIALLY SLAUGHTERED CHICKENS ARE HARAAM. To the best of our knowledge, both Mufti A.K. Hussain and Mufti Ilyaas were part of the delegation of Sanha who were invited to inspect the plant operating under Sanha. Both of them seem to have realized that the “inspections” were a farce and a grand set-up and have thus retracted their views.
Moreover, Sanha should clarify whether the Ulama and pious predecessors which they have cited permitted the feeding of dead chickens to other chickens? A simple question that can be answered with a simple “yes” or a simple “no” is what the public will expect. If the answer is “yes” that the pious predecessors did permit such feeding, then they obviously erred. And if the answer is “no” that they did not permit such feeding, then why does Sanha permit such Haraam feeding?
We can also claim without any hesitance that the “inspections” conducted was done in the company of Sanha or of whosoever was in authority. SANHA DOES NOT PERMIT ANY INDEPENDENT INSPECTIONS OF ANY OF ITS PLANTS. Whilst Jum’ah Salaah may not be compulsoty at the Hammardale plant, what about the other plants operated by Sanha. Are the slaughterers permitted to go for Jum’ah at these plants? Again a simple yes or no will reveal the truth.
Sanha states: SANHA has since its inception in the early 90’s further streamlined and improved on the Halaal regulatory protocols and systems laid down by our Pious Predecessors.
Our response: Lets examine the manner in which Sanha “improved” on the Halaal regulatory protocols and systems of The Shariah of Nabi Salallahu alaihi wasallam:
1) They abandon the facing of the Qiblah and call it an improvement on the regulations of The Shariah
2) They shackle and hang the chickens upside down prior to slaughtering and call it an improvement on the regulations of The Shariah
3) They brutally electrocute and submerge the chickens in boiling water and call it an improvement on the regulations of The Shariah
4) They feed the Ummah slaughtered chickens immersed within faeces – in bloodied water and CALL IT AN IMPROVEMENT on the regulations of The Shariah.
This is Sanha’s understanding of “improving” the Halaal regulations and protocols of the Shariah
5) Sanha states: “The Muslim public and trade are accordingly urged to ignore the malicious and misleading, slanderous untruths circulated by Mufti AK of Cii, Molvi AS Desai of Majlis P.E. and their clique”.
Our response: Sanah’s problem – and this problem is growing by the day – is that the Muslim public refuses to be fooled any longer. The more they beg and plead with the public to ignore the “fitnah makers and malicious slanders etc.”, the more the public becomes restless, agitated and excited.
The ever growing “clique” of Mufti’s and Ulama comprising of the overwhelming majority of Ulama is growing by leaps and bounds. The Majlis AlHAMDULILLAH, is getting stronger and stronger by the day. After the Halaal donkey meat scandal even a person with the mentality of a donkey can see through the “Halaal” certificate scandal.
A few years ago the entire KZN Jamiat, Mufti A.K. Hussain and Mufti Iyaas etc. were fully backing Sanha and opposing The Majlis in this matter. Allah Ta’ala had Rahm on them and guided them to that which was the truth.
They feared Allah and they feared a “soo-ul-hisaab”. (evil/harsh reckoning) They feared a guilty verdict on the count of “Halaalizng” millions of Haraam chickens. They feared being dragged with chains around their necks which will reach their chins. They feared hanging in Jahannam upside down and the chickens taunting them even as they suffer with snakes sliding all over them and the Fire licking the skins of their bodies again and again and again. Of course yes, they must have expected the insults of Sanha. Only a fool expects to make Tableegh and proclaim the Haq and expect baatil and evil to shower flowers and roses in return. The KZN Jamiat was branded as fitnah makers and indulging in spin when they spoke the Haq. Mufti A.K. Husaain is branded as someone who is spreading malicious and slanderous statements in the morning and comes the evening he is addressed as “The honourable Mufti” on “Radio Islam” which Sanha controls. Such hypocracy must be a source of shame to seasoned hypocrites.
When Allah Ta’ala grants sharah-sadr (a firm conviction in the heart)to a servant, than that servant cares not two hoots for the castigation of the creation.
A sweet sip of the Divine Pleasure of Allah obliterates the bitterness of the oceans. These are the servants that belong truly unto Allah before even returning unto Him.
May Allah Ta’ala grant the other Ulama, especially our brethren at the Fordsburg Jamiat to demand an independent inspection of any Sanha plant without Sanha’s prior approval – and if the Sanha refuses to accede to this reasonable request, to give them the boot.