The “Alleged” Response of Respected Mufti Menk (hafizahullah) Jun8
by imranebrahim
A number of people have forwarded an alleged response from Respected Mufti Menk (hafizahullah) with respect to some of the objections raised against him. The alleged response is being posted verbatim:
Assalaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh
Beloved Brother ibn Khuzaymah
I appreciate your mail. You are the FIRST person to actually send me this article and suggest that it could be the source of the matter.
The rest have chosen to gleefully knock themselves over by slanderous accusations whether simply forwarded or fabricated.
Allah Alone knows what the hearts conceal.
The attached document was presented in the midst of many SA Ulama at a symposium on Da’wah in Africa as a continent in 2002. Several of our Ulama also participated & presented papers according to the guidelines by organisers who happened to be the Saudi Embassy at the time.
Remember, my work and that of my family is directly and almost fully amongst local black rural indigenous Muslims in Zimbabwe. We also assist others doing the same. It is very hard work. Only recently have I started lecturing amongst non-blacks because of being invited.
The paper that you attached is regarding Africa as a continent & not South Africa as a country which doesn’t really have issues besides the lack of sufficient work amongst black Muslims as compared to ethnic Indian Muslims. This too is improving in a slow way. Alhamdulillah.
I have travelled extensively throughout east, west, central & north Africa. If you have any knowledge of these countries you will know that the bulk and vast majority belong to mystical sufsim orders, dancing in Masaajid, hadra thikr, with graves in most Masaajid and wording beliefs of Badawi, Tijaani, Haqqaani silsilahs which are worse than any Barelvis we know.
Capetown is also slightly affected by this in the south.
The indigenous Africans of the South are also mostly Qadiri Sukooti and Jahriyyah which are outside the fold of what we consider acceptable. They are ignorant though of what they are doing though in Malawi etc unlike those in other parts of Africa.
They also did NOT tolerate and still have issues tolerating anyone following anything else in terms of math-hab or belief.
So mention was made in that paper about problems in Africa.
We do not have and still don’t have correct syllabuses in most madaaris in Africa.
There is inter-math-hab intolerance. There is a lot of shirk & bid’ah in most of these countries still and this from a Deobandi point of view.
The need to carefully teach them what the true status of the math-habs are and the correct beliefs can never be understated. A few ideas were mentioned.
Rwanda, Burundi, Congo and a dozen other countries are deep into speaking to the spirits (wardens & shayaateen) of the deceased and using them as mediums and helpers. This is considered part of the Shafie math-hab by them. They refuse to listen to others saying their math-hab differs yet it is nothing to do with math-habs.
Now read the paper you attached AGAIN bearing in mind this background given to you by the one who wrote it many years ago.
It is in support of the four math-habs & the correction of shirkiyyaat that are still rife throughout Africa.
When I presented the paper at the convention centre, I clearly explained all this and we even had a Q&A session. Maulana Ebrahim Bham of the original Jamiatul Ulama of South Africa was the chair of my panel. Nobody had a doubt nor did I dream that something was about to happen.
Two boys with short virgin beards met me on my way back to my room the same day. They literally blocked me and started asking questions as to WHY did the Saudis invite YOU? I asked them who they were. They responded very rudely that that was irrelevant. I told them to ask the Saudis themselves and also ask all the other Ulama. Why pick on me? They asked me why I wear a red scarf and abaya. I said I always did since I was small. These boys were the most arrogant I have come across. They then said why did you write against math-habs? I was shocked at their conclusions and clear ignorance. Hatred was dripping from their eyes and jealousy was clear from their mouths.
They refused to tell me who they were and then they said, “You are a liar, you are a salafi. That answer everything.”
I was shocked at these children talking to me like this. I told them to get lost as they are still smelling of their mothers breast and have no respect. I told them they should have asked open questions when there was a time publicallly to ask.
I left them and went off.
Years later I found out that these were two final year students of Azaadville. Muhammad Bhana and Masud Cassim who went on to become Muftis and have made it their business to convince the world that the Menks are salafis.
Masud Cassim is a now a senior Ustaadh in Azaadville and declares open hatred for me. They have become god-like figures where everyone must go to them to make Taubah and clarify that they are not salafi or deviant.
In fact Ml Abdul Hamid Ishaq who is head of Azaadville has a very big weakness of believing his students. So he too made his mind up yet they know our credentials. This then got to the Zimbabwean few whom we have had a fair share of politics with that no community is spared from and they too jumped on the bandwagon. It seems people forget they have a grave to go to and a Rabb to answer.
Now I see the label crazy AS Desai who has blasted the whole world also took off. AH Elias whose name appears as translator of many books whom a group of employed Ulama have actually translated, whom we have had major issues with, has also jumped in. Fearing backlash of such outspoken “ulama” other decent Ulama choose to remain silent as they are gaining nothing. If anything its good to just label Menk a salafee because he is not a South African & he has a huge following in South Africa.
Now I see even the UK Ulama are getting sacked in without understanding anything.
It doesn’t mean that just because a Maulana you know said something about someone that it is accurate. Also you can’t ask me to make a public statement and look like fools infront a makhlooq when they don’t really know what’s going on.
So Allah deals with it and those who slander are worse than those who backbite so they pay a heavier price. I have already seen results of this.
Anonymous people mail derogatory emails and messages on public and private platforms. Must we stop our work and send emails and divert from the path or do we ignore and carry on?
Those who made their minds up will not change them even if angels came to tell them. The lies is so bad and the falsehood that even if a public clarification was made because of accusations, they would find some loophole in it and still say the same thing.
I was even more shocked to read AS Desai of PE and the men in DeDeur say that we want to impose a salafi moon sighting in this region – when we have NOTHING to do with the moon at all.
Also that we are funded by Saudis and that is well known – when we have it received a cent of aid from them and none of us are employed or affiliated to the Saudis.
So if such is the laughable yet tearful condition of our “senior ulama” then Rasulullah SAS predicted that fitnah will come from Ulama and return to haunt them.
We have a lot of work to do and must ignore people whose statements come from personal vendettas, hatred, jealousy, sour grapes and intentional misinterpretation.
I will forward you some replies that I sent to some ridiculous mails. The funny thing is I am on the mailing list of the same persons who sent ME the about MYSELF! If they have my email couldn’t they clarify like you did? It shows they have a mission to accomplish.
I hope you are not one of them. I have taken my time to reply and I am not going to do this again because Wallahi the work on the ground gets affected by sick accusations that are TOTALLY FALSE.
Barakallahu feek
Wassalaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh
Ismail Musa Menk
Harare, Zimbabwe
Our thoughts regarding this response:
1. It has been circulated on SMS and Whatsapp messages. This is not the first response of its kind, but many such replies were circulated when certain questions regarding Respected Mufti Menk (hafizahullah) spread in the UK. Where did they come from? Who actually wrote these responses? Who is Ibn Khuzaymaa? Allah knows best. They would be just as credible as a message admitting to claims of being Salafi and anti-Deobandi etc bearing the signature of Respected Mufti Menk (hafizahullah) and using his name. WE ARE NOT CLAIMING SUCH A MESSAGE EXISTS NOR ARE WE DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ENCOURAGING SOMEONE TO MAKE SUCH A SLANDEROUS MESSAGE.
In conclusion, there is nothing to verify the veracity of this message and that it is really a response from Respected Mufti Menk (hafizahullah).
2. On the contrary, we noticed a number of, let’s say, “problematic issues” in this message which we cannot reconcile with what we perceive of Respected Mufti Menk (hafizahullah) in his character and the message he advocates.
The alleged response states:
Two boys with short virgin beards…
I told them to get lost as they are still smelling of their mothers breast and have no respect.
Years later I found out that these were two final year students of Azaadville. Muhammad Bhana and Masud Cassim who went on to become Muftis and have made it their business to convince the world that the Menks are salafis.
Masud Cassim is a now a senior Ustaadh in Azaadville and declares open hatred for me. They have become god-like figures where everyone must go to them to make Taubah and clarify that they are not salafi or deviant.
In fact Ml Abdul Hamid Ishaq who is head of Azaadville has a very big weakness of believing his students.
It doesn’t mean that just because a Maulana you know said something about someone that it is accurate. Also you can’t ask me to make a public statement and look like fools infront a makhlooq when they don’t really know what’s going on.
Our first observation is some of the derogatory and shocking language used in this response. Reference to someone’s mothers breasts is quite appalling and we can’t understand how Respected Mufti Menk (hafizahullah) would actually say such a thing. There are also swipes against Mawlana Abdul Hamid Ishaq, who is one of the most senior scholars of SA. Also, “Masud Cassim” and “Muhammad Bhana” are senior ulama of SA and the teachers of many ulamah here in the UK who studied under them. Whatever the difference of opinion or greivances may be, would Respected Mufti Menk (hafizahullah) actually refer to them without the titles of maulana or mufti? It is highly distasteful to see such ulamah referred to in this manner.
This is in total contrast to what Respected Mufti Menk (hafizahullah) tweeted on 13 May:
Petty rivalry and name calling amongst religious personnel makes the masses very despondent.
Also, Respected Mufti Menk (hafizahullah) allegedly states: Also you can’t ask me to make a public statement and look like fools infront a makhlooq when they don’t really know what’s going on.
But this message did go public, so how then did this happen?
Furthermore, what is extremely confusing is the following alleged statement:
I appreciate your mail. You are the FIRST person to actually send me this article and suggest that it could be the source of the matter.
Our detailed questions to Respected Mufti Menk (hafizahullah) were first sent to him BEFORE this message went into circulation. Hence, it defies all logic that a highly intelligent, talented and capable individual such as Respected Mufti Menk (hafizahullah) – may Allah increase him in all goodness (aameen) – did not understand why we were asking these questions. We went many steps ahead of merely “suggesting” the document was the source of contention by actually providing references with page numbers to the transcribed lecture.
In short, this response contains these discrepancies, alongside the fact Respected Mufti Menk (hafizahullah) did not answer our questions which were sent to him BEFORE this alleged response nor did he resend this response to us on our humble reminders to him thereafter.
Having said this, we have come to know that Respected Mufti Menk (hafizahullah) has apparently not received our emails; we don’t understand why this would be the case, when we clearly sent the email a number of times. We have resent him the emails on his website and on two of his email addresses.
3. Respected Mufti Menk (hafizahullah) is extremely conversant with the language of technology and social networking, and this needs no explanation. Why Respected Mufti Menk (hafizahullah) would then choose to respond in such a covert, unverified manner is unexplainable.
Allah Almighty knows best.
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Important Questions for Mufti Ismail Menk (hafizahullah)
Esteemed and Respected Mufti Ismail Menk,
As-salamu alaikum wa rahmat ’ullahi wa barakatuh
We pray you are in the best of iman and health. May Allah Almighty accept the good work of Dawah that you are actively engaged in and may He increase us all in guidance. Ameen. I had the good fortune of attending one of your lectures on your UK tour in mid-February but unfortunately missed you on your second visit.
I am sure it has come to Respected Mufti Menk’s attention that a number of texts and emails are being circulated here in the UK regarding the beliefs and manhaj of Respected Mufti Menk, leaving both Ulamah and laypeople extremely confused and dumbfounded.
It is an accepted Islamic principle that allegations are not to be taken at face value and certainly not to be propagated. Nonetheless, some of the issues which are being highlighted in these texts and messages are undoubtedly cause for concern, for which reason we are being audacious to pose some questions which we feel require urgent answers. Allah is our witness that this is not a vile, character assassination or a feeble attempt to slander without evidence. The sole purpose is for vital clarification on these issues, both for the sake of Respected Mufti Menk’s colossal work which may be seriously tarnished if these doubts are left to brew and, also for the sake of the Ulamah fraternity from whom clarification is being sought by bewildered laypeople. We are obviously not in
a position to endorse the allegations without thoroughly investigating the issues, but conversely, we are not in any better position to totally dismiss it as a cheap attempt to defame your good name.
We appreciate that Respected Mufti Menk will provide us with clear answers to these questions for the abovementioned reasons. There is an alleged response from Respected Mufti Menk being circulated, but it does not really contain any substantial answers to the original points.
Furthermore, it clearly states Respected Mufti Menk to have said, “I do not know what anonymous is on about at all” which categorically refutes the existence of Respected Mufti Menk’s lecture transcript. But we have seen it and read it ourselves and thus are struggling to reconcile between these starkly contradicting pieces of information. We trust Respected Mufti Menk will provide a satisfactory answer to this.
In order to make it easier for Respected Mufti Menk to answer (we understand you will have a busy schedule), we will split the points up into sections.
Lecture in Johannesburg
After hearing about the lecture given in Johannesburg in September 2002, entitled “Obstacles to Dawah Work in Africa and Their Solutions”, we read through a PDF of the transcript and checked the content of the text messages against the contents of the lecture.
In all honesty, there does seem to be some credibility and substance to the objections raised, but we cannot pass any judgment until Respected Mufti Menk clarifies the purport of these statements, as he best understands what he intended and meant. We will cite the statements which have been circulated, along with some of our own observations.
1. Respected Mufti Menk says (pg 12):
“For the Ahlus Sunnah wa’l Jama’ah, there are not sufficient Madrasahs to fulfil the need, just as pure Islamic content is not available in many Madrasahs in most countries. The references and Islamic books in many Islamic Madrasahs are not according to the methodology of the Ahlus Sunnah wa’l Jama’ah. What has been noticed therein is that they carry dangerous errors in ‘Aqidah (belief) which can sometimes lead to the Greater Shirk (al-shirk al-akbar).”
Respected Mufti Menk, the Ulamah who have read these points feel this is an
insinuation towards Deobandi-affiliated Madrasahs, which form the major part of the
Madrasah framework globally and likewise in Africa.
Hence, we humbly question:
Which Madrasahs is Respected Mufti Menk indicating towards? Is he referring to
Deobandi Madrasahs? And what specifically are the books which bear dangerous
errors in ‘Aqidah?
Regardless of the particular group which disseminates such content, we consider it a
duty upon Respected Mufti Menk to clearly inform us of these dangerous points, to
help protect our ‘Aqidah against something which can lead to Shirk, the greatest of
2. Respected Mufti Menk goes on to say (pg 12):
“Many of the ‘Scholars of Islam’ in the Continent affiliate themselves to sects or are
inclined to some of them, not being prepared to return to the Book and the Authentic
Respected Mufti Menk goes on to say (pg 13):
“(Among the causes are) many Ulamah of the opposing sects, their presence since a
long time and their good relations with the different governments.”
Again, with all humbleness and due respect, we say that many people are taking this
to be an indication towards the Ulama of the Deobandi/non-Salafi fraternity, as
historically they are the first to establish themselves in the manner that they have.
The likes of South Africa, where this lecture was delivered, is adequate to prove this
point. Perhaps this deduction on its own would be considered a weak one with
shallow roots, but what strengthens the notion that this is in actual fact an allusion
towards Deobandi scholars is the fact that Respected Mufti Menk mentioned the
following as a solution (pg 13):
“(Among the solutions are) continual ties with the big scholars of the major Islamic
countries, in particular the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, referring to them in arising
issues and for seeking advice, explaining their rank and virtue to the public due to
their reliance upon the Book and the Authentic Sunnah.”
Respected Mufti Menk, it is a known fact that the majority of scholars in Saudi Arabia
ascribe to the Salafi manhaj and they are quite critical of the level of adherence to a
Madh-hab which our Ulamah of Deoband firmly believe in and promote. We are sure
Respected Mufti Menk would have understood this from his studies of the traditional
Dawrah and Ifta courses at Darul Uloom Kantharia, India.
Hence, the idea that Respected Mufti Menk is inadvertently, if not advertently, promoting Salafism or in the least, non-adherance to a particular Madh-hab, is one that does seem valid. Again, we would like for Respected Mufti Menk to clarify this issue.
3. Respected Mufti Menk further into his lecture explains another problem (pg 15):
Bias based on madh-hab or personality
This is a vague statement which everyone, regardless of their understanding with respect to Taqleed, will accept as a problem at some level. But Respected Mufti Menk’s solution to the problem is what has set off a siren for many.
“As for madh-hab based bias, it is undoubtedly a big problem. The solution is to
explain the history and foundation of these schools in detail to the elite and laymen
alike. This is through publications in the native languages, by utilising the media,
through open lectures, or conventions under the title of “The Four Madh-habs” to
entice the biased to attend. The purpose of all this would be to educate the masses
regarding the history of the madh-habs, their real place in the Deen and that the
authentic hadith is above what the madh-hab has prescribed, by consensus of the
Respected Mufti Menk, bias which leads to people of one madh-hab becoming
intolerant of another is unacceptable under any circumstances, but what respected
Respected Mufti Menk has suggested as a solution indicates that Respected Mufti
Menk’s application of the word bias (ta’assub) has a different connotation altogether,
namely the Salafi idea of indoctrinating the masses to investigate the credibility of a
hadith and act accordingly, be it against the madh-hab.
We are not here to discuss the issue of Taqlid as opposed to non-Taqlid; but the
solution Respected Mufti Menk proposed is suggestive of the over-simplistic Salafi
approach of encouraging unqualified people to decide between madh-habs based on
the authentic hadith. What compounds the issue further is that people see this as
masquerading as a Hanafi whilst holding Salafi views, as there are others who
insincerely claim to be Hanafi despite heavily criticising the Hanafi madh-hab and
Imam Abu Hanifah (rahimahullah) himself. In light of this, Respected Mufti Menk will
obviously understand how crucial it is to answer the following questions:
1) Does Respected Mufti Menk advocate that the masses, in particular the laymen,
embark on departing from the accepted stances of the Hanafi madh-hab towards
authentic hadith?
2) Does Respected Mufti Menk consider strict adherence to a madh-hab as Ta’assub
Madh-habi, as suggested by the solution he provided in his lecture?
3) Muta’assib in Salafi terms refers to a strict adherent to a madh-hab. Does
Respected Mufti Menk intend the same context in his usage of the word?
Lecture at DeMontford University
It has also been related that in a Q&A session after a lecture in DeMontford University
in 2010, Respected Mufti Menk said at the onset that answers will be given according
to the Qur’an and Sunnah (which is not something anyone will disagree with in
principle). However, what has raised some valid concern regarding the context of this
statement is that when some students went to Respected Mufti Menk and asked for
answers to be given according to the Hanafi madh-hab, Respected Mufti Menk made
an excuse of shortage of time and that all questions should be forwarded to his email
We urge Respected Mufti Menk not to be offended by such questions, but we would
humbly request for light to shed on this supposed incident. Following from that, does
Respected Mufti Menk strictly give fatwa according to the Hanafi madh-hab, seeing
as Respected Mufti Menk’s Ifta studies were in the Deobandi-Hanafi seminary of
After Graduation from Madina University
It is also reported that upon Respected Mufti Menk’s return to Harare, Zimbabwe,
Respected Mufti Menk would engage in debate/discussion with students at his
father’s Madrasah, against the Hanafi Madh-hab and the Deobandi manhaj. As a
result, some of the staff and students at the Madrasah were excluded from the
Madrasah as they were accused of “causing fitna”.
Respected Mufti Menk is humbly requested to elaborate on this issue.
Links from Respected Mufti Menk’s Twitter Page
Being such an enormous public figure with a following of over 100,000 people on
Twitter – mashaa-Allah –Respected Mufti Menk will understand the importance of
authenticating and verifying any information or links provided on his website,
Facebook page and Twitter page, alongside any other social networking platform
Respected Mufti Menk utilises to benefit others.
In light of this, we were disturbed to find Respected Mufti Menk to have provided a
link to http://www.ruqyasupport.com from his tweet (which leads to a facebook entry) on
14th February. On browsing ruqyasupport.com, a section entitled “A response to
those who defend ta’weez” was discovered, consisting of a vehement rebuttal against
ta’weez, but more importantly, ending with another link:
This link led us to a page refuting Sunnipath and which contained the following
“…..Below is proof that Asha’irah and Sunnipath deny that the Qur’an which was
revealed to the prophet Muhammad sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam is really the word
of Allah s.w.t….”
“….Dear brothers & sisters, the above is very clear, and it demonstates what we
have stated all along, that the Ash’ariah do not believe that the Qur’an we have
today is the word of Allah s.w.t,…..”
In proposing this claim, which is nothing less than preposterous in our opinion, the
author of this article quotes Imam al-Taftazani, Bajuri, and the great Hanafi jurist Ibn
Abideen (rahimahumullah).
Bearing all of the above in mind, we will be audacious in asking some questions, but
appreciate that Respected Mufti Menk will understand why our thoughts on this issue
are justified and not just borne out of jealousy or hatred (may Allah protect us all):
• Denying the Qur’an to be the word of Allah is tantamount to disbelief, so in
essence, the author of this article is calling Ash’aris disbelievers. Would
Respected Mufti Menk agree with the conclusion we have deduced?
• Referencing these beliefs to Taftazani, Bajuri and Ibn Abideen would thus
imply that the author considers them to be disbelievers or proponent of
disbelief. Would Respected Mufti Menk agree with the conclusion we have
• What is Respected Mufti Menk’s stance on this article. Are the Ash’aris guilty
of denying the Qur’an to be Allah’s word? What does Respected Mufti Menk
say regarding the quotes of Taftazani, Bajuri and Ibn Abideen?
We appreciate that Respected Mufti Menk is not necessarily responsible for all of
the content on that website, nonetheless, we ask these questions because:
(a) This website will be accepted by the common layperson to be endorsed by your
esteemed self. When Respected Mufti Menk advised people to visit the
ruqyasupport website, the implication is that Respected Mufti Menk checked the
content of this website and did not consider any of its content to be inappropriate in
the least.
(b) Respected Mufti Menk said in his lecture in 2002:
The references and Islamic books in many Islamic Madrasahs are not according to
the methodology of the Ahlus Sunnah wa’l Jama’ah. What has been noticed
therein is that they carry dangerous errors in ‘Aqidah (belief) which can sometimes
lead to the Greater Shirk (al-shirk al-akbar).
Thus, we cannot help but notice the subject matter of this page on ozdawah.com
seems to be a reflection of Respected Mufti Menk’s abovementioned statement in
his lecture, as Sharh al-Aqaid Nasafiyya is one of the core books on Aqidah in
Deobandi madrasahs.
(c ) Being a graduate of Iftaa at Darul Uloom Kantharia, Respected Mufti Menk will
undoubtedly know the status Ibn Abideen (rahimahullah) and his Radd al-Muhtaar
hold in the Hanafi madh-hab. But this article casts serious doubts on Ibn Abideen’s
belief. Thus, in light of your role as a Hanafi mufti, it is all the more pertinent that
categorical answers are provided to our question on Ibn Abideen’s statement.
With respect to the other points which have been raised, such as the role of Sajid
Ahmad Umar and his being your student (which he has since refuted by the way), we
do not consider it necessary to discuss them, as they are irrelevant with reference to
your esteemed self.
We apologise if any undue offence has been caused; it certainly has not been
A humble request for du’aas. Apologies once again.
Your brother in Islam
Imran Ebrahim