Without Qat’i Daleel Can Prawns be Declared Haraam?

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Without Qat’i Daleel Can Prawns be Declared Haraam?

May a person declare prawns to be haraam although there is no Qat’i Daleel? Kindly explain why it is called haraam and not makrooh tahrimi?


Yes, prawns shall be declared haraam, for every makrooh tahreemi is also haraam in terms of Hanafi Fiqh and hence the Kutub on Fiqh are replete with the terms yahrumu and haraam for even makrooh acts.

It should be borne in mind that a fatwa is for practical purposes and to save this Ummah in their current degenerate and abject condition from  falling further into the perdition of transgression. It is for this reason that some of the Akaabir of the Ummah view the principle in these times to be that everything is haraam unless proven halaal. And Allah Ta’ala knows best.