Alternatives for Haraam Products and the Status of Kellogs Foods
Q. Concerning the halaal-haraam updates, are there perhaps known alternatives to the haraam listings on your website. Also, are the Keloggs cereals, namely coco pop and corn flakes, in particular permissible to consume?
A. We are not aware of exactly which items you are referring to whose alternatives you seek. Be circumspect when purchasing any product. The majority of processed foods contains ingredients that are camouflaged in technical jargon not understandable to the layman and which pose a health hazard apart from the concealed haraam. Turn to wholefoods or natural foods which have not undergone laboratory processing and de-naturing with a variety of chemicals and haraam substances.
In so far as Kellogs products are concerned, this company freely uses gelatine in their products. Therefore abstain from all Kellogs products.