Contradiction between Two Aayaat of Surah Nisaa?

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Contradiction between Two Aayaat of Surah Nisaa?

Q. There appears to be a contradiction between two Aayats of Surah Nisaa. In Aayat No. 74 it is said that all good and bad come from Allah, whilst in Aayat No. 79 it is said that good is from Allah and bad from ourselves. What is the interpretation of these two Aayaat?

A. There is no contradiction between the two Aayats. Lack in comprehending the Glorious Aayaat of Allah Ta’ala creates the impression that some contradiction appears in the Aayaat, whereas sound intelligence and understanding repel such a suggestion.

In the first Aayat Allah Ta’ala states that all tests and trials whether in good form or ‘bad’ form are from Allah Ta’ala, whilst in the second Aayat the good fruits of our actions are attributed to Allah Ta’ala as these are purely out of His Grace, whilst the bitter fruits of our actions are attributed to our own misdeeds.