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Ism-e-A’zam (Allah’s Greatest Name) is a secret possession of some select Auliya. With this Greatest Name wonderful supernatural feats are accomplished. Only an extremely few, select Auliya are qualified to bear this Amaanat (Trust).
Once a Faqeer came to a Shaikh who was aware of the Ism-e-A’zam. He begged the Shaikh to impart this glorious Name to him. The Shaikh asked: “Do you possess the qualifications for this Name?” The Faqeer said: ‘Yes.’ The Shaikh:  “Go to the city gate. Sit there and report back to me what has transpired there.”
The Faqeer complied. Soon he saw an old man on a donkey with a load of firewood. A policeman grabbed the pile of wood, whipped the old man and chased him away. The old man meekly went away, not saying a word of protest. The Faqeer witnessing this injustice was greatly grieved. He returned to the Shaikh and reported what he had seen.
The Shaikh asked: “If at that time you were aware of the Ism-e-A’zam, what would you have done?” The Faqeer: “I would have supplicated through the medium of that glorious Name that the oppressor be destroyed.”
The Shaikh: ‘Know, that the old woodcutter (on the donkey) had taught me the Ism-e-A’zam. He reacted with Sabr (patience) and did not supplicate for the destruction of his oppressor.”
In this manner did the Shaikh convey to the Faqeer that he lacked the qualifications for the Trust of the Ism-e-A’zam.