The “Islamic” Radio stations — A frank Imaani Analysis…

Reading Time: 14 minutes


A BUZRUG narrated that once he was in the company of Shaikh Abu Saeed Kharraaz (rahmatullah
alayh) on the shores of the sea. The Shaikh observing a man in the distance said to his group: “Sit
down. The approaching man appears to be a Wali of Allah Ta’ala.” When the person neared him,
they saw that he was an extremely handsome young man with a shawl hanging on his shoulder.
Hadhrat Abu Saeed said: “Young man! How do we find the road leading to Allah?”
The stranger said: “O Abu Saeed! Know that there are two roads leading to Allah. One is a special
road, and one is a general one (for the masses). The general road is the one you and your
companions are plodding. The special road is this.” So saying, he began walking on the water of
the sea until he disappeared from our sight. Hadhrat Abu Saeed remained standing in
bewilderment , reflecting on the proximity the young man enjoyed with Allah Ta’ala.
HADHRAT KA’B Ahbaar (rahmatullah alayh) narrated the following episode of a sinner’s repentance
and acceptance by Allah Ta’ala.
Once a man of Bani Israaeel committed fornication with a prostitute. When he entered into the
river to take ghusl, the river miraculously reprimanded : “Have you no shame! Do you not repent?”
The shocked man was overcome with fear. He quickly came out of the river and headed towards
the nearby mountain. Soon he came across a group of 12 Aabideen (Worshippers) who were
engrossed in ibaadat. He too joined them and devoted himself to ibaadat.
After some time they were overtaken by a severe drought and famine. The Aabideen decided to go
towards the river in search of grass and plants. However, the man said that he would not
accompany them to the river. When they asked the reason, he said: “There is someone by the river
who is aware of my sins. I am ashamed of meeting him.” The 12 Aabideen, leaving the man
When they reached the river bank, a Voice from the water said: “O Worshippers! Where is your
companion.” They said: “He is ashamed of someone who knows his sins. He therefore refused to
come.” The Voice said: “Subhaanallaah! If one of your children or relatives seeks forgiveness for
having disobeyed you, will you then not love him? Your companion has repented and is engaged
in acts which I love. I now love him. Go and bring him here. Tell him to remain here and worship
Allah Ta’ala.”
The group informed the man of what had transpired, and brought him to the river. They remained
on the river bank for a very long period of time (months or years). Then one day the man died.
The river proclaimed: “O Devotees of Allah! Give him ghusl with my water and bury him on my
banks so that on the Day of Qiyaamah he will be by me.”
The 12 Aabideen, after complying with the river’s request, decided to spend the night by the man’s
qabr, then departed the next morning to return to the mountain. When their eyes opened they saw
12 trees had miraculously grown around the grave. They understood that it was a message from
Allah Ta’ala for them to remain and spend their remaining lifetime in ibaadat in that place. When
one of them died, he would be buried alongside the man. All of the 12 Aabideen had died one after
the other, and were buried there. The people of Bani Israaeel would visit these graves to make

A robber was sentenced to death for his heinous crimes. He was hanged until he died. While his
dead body was dangling, Hadhrat Ma’roof Karkhi (rahmatullah alayh) appeared. Beholding the
awful scene, shivers went down his spine. He raised his hands and supplicated: “O Allah! This
robber has tasted the punishment of his misdeeds here on earth. You are the Most Forgiving, The
Most Merciful. If you forgive him, and bestow honour to him in both worlds, your treasures will
not decrease by a dot.”
As he made Dua, suddenly a Voice proclaimed loudly: “Whoever performs the Janaazah
Salaat of this hanged man will attain a lofty rank in the Hereafter.” All the people of the city
heard the proclamation from the Unseen realm. The people rushed out of their homes. They
lowered the body with respect and honour, gave it ghusl and kafan. The forgiven robber was
buried honourably. In this way did Allah Ta’ala accept and fulfil the Dua of Hadhrat Ma’roof
A Buzrug that night saw in a dream the robber in a state of splendour with a group of pious
persons. When the Buzrug asked in his dream: “How did you attain this lofty rank?” The robber
replied: “Allah Ta’ala accepted the Dua of Hadhrat Ma’roof Karkhi and forgave me.”

Question: What is the opinion of The Jamiatul Ulama Gauteng with regards to Radio Islam? The Radio station often cites Moulana Yunus Patel (Rahmatullahi alayh) in support of young females conducting programs. Is it permissible to listen to the Radio Station and to support it financially or otherwise?


The Islamic Radio stations A frank Imaani Analysis…

On the 17 Sha’baan 1436 (5 June 2015), Hadhrat Moulana Dawood Saheb, a senior Khalifa of Moulana Yunus Patel (Rahmatullahi alayh), gave an inspiring lecture concerning the Radio station.

We reproduce verbatim a portion of the well-received public lecture which opened the eyes of many sincere people. The following is the Bayaan of the venerable Moulana Sahib:

“Now I want to read something out to you which is a fatwa that has been issued by leading Muftis of our country. The question that is posed here is:

Is it permissible to listen to the voice of a non-mahram female? Often there is a female reading the news on the radio, should one listen to this or switch it off? Some people claim that the Sahabah (radhiallahu anhum) would ask Ma-Ayesha (radhiallahu tala anha) rulings and learn from her. Therefore the presence of female presenters on Islamic radios stations is fine. Is this justified?

So the answer to this is as follows:

The Commands of The Shariah:

Shariah commands segregation between non-mahram men and women, the reason for this command is that non-mahram men and women freely intermingling and casually interacting among themself’s leads to many evils and sins. Allah Ta’ala commands women in the Quraan Shareef thus, (Quoted Ayaat) ‘Remain within the confines of your homes and do not leave your homes displaying your beauty and attraction as the women of the days of ignorance used to display’.

Hence it is imperative for one to understand that just as a woman is commanded to conceal her body by remaining within the confines of her home, and not leaving her home without any valid reason, similarly she is commanded to conceal her voice from all non-mahram men, as her voice is also a cause of creating fitna, and a means of spurring up wrong feelings within the hearts of men.

Speaking in soft, alluring tones…

Allah Ta’ala commands women in the Quraan Shareef (Quoted Ayaat), ‘Do not speak in soft tones lest the one in who’s heart is a disease should be moved with desire.’ Furthermore on account of the abundant fitnah prevalent everywhere in this era, one should in his individual capacity exercise extreme caution when dealing with non-mahram women, and save himself from sin, as well as from the avenues that lead to sin.

The issue about Hadhrat Aye’sha (Radiallahu anha)

As far as the Ummahat-ul-Mumineen  –Radhiallahu anhuna ajma’een— are concerned. It should be borne in mind that they were mahrams to the ummah. That’s why we call them Ummahaatul-Mumineen.

They say Ma’ Aysha radhiallahu tala anha Ma’ Hafsah as they are our Mothers. They are mahrams to the ummat. Allah Ta’ ala himself refers to them as the Mothers of the believers. After the demise of Rasoole-Paak (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) they were not permitted to remarry. The whole Ummat are their children.  They were not permitted to remarry.

Yet despite them being mahrams to the men of the ummah, they still observed purdah from the Sahabah (radhiallahu anhum).

How the ladies observed Hijaab in the time of Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam)

Ma’ aysha (radhiallahu ta ala anhaa) herself mentions that during the Farewell Hajj with Rasoole-Paak (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam), whenever any men used to pass by us — that means the Ummahaatul Mu’mineen — we used to conceal our faces with a cloth in such a manner that the cloth would be suspended before our faces and not touch our faces, in order not to be seen by the men.

When the men would pass, then we would  lift the cloth. The Azwaaje-Mutahharaat (radhiallahu tala anhunna ajmaeen) conducted themselves in this manner to teach the ummah the level of caution that needs to be exercised between men and women.

Despite the sahaabah (radhiallahu anhum) being so pure compared to the men of these times, yet the Azwaaje-Mutahharaat (radiallahu ta’ala anhunna ajmaeen) and the women of the Sahaabah (radiallahu ta’ala anhum) were commanded to observe purdah from them.

Circumstances under which the wife’s of Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) spoke

The Sahaabah (radhiallahu ta’ala anhum) only referred to the Azwaaje-Mutahharaat (radhiallahu tal’ala anhunna ajmaeen) at the time of need. Where a matter relating to the Mubaarak life of Rasoole-Paak (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) needed some clarification and the only place you could gain that clarification was from them, only then would they refer to them.

Hence while observing complete purdah Ma Aysha (radhiallahu ta’ala anhaa) explained to them the laws of Deen. ………. So to try and justify the chit-chat-chuckling, giggling and laughing, and general talking of women with men on radio, on the basis of the Sahaabah (radhiallahu ta’ala anhum), learning Deen from Ma Ayesha (Radhiallahu ta’ala anhaa) is a complete distortion. Allah Ta’ala knows best.

Other permissible avenues for learning Deen are easily available

The point here is that if we have to ask ourselves about the talk shows and the many different  things that are held on the radio, where there are either female presenters, or there  is a male presenter and there is a female that is phoning him because, even if it is not a female presenter but a lady is phoning him and she’s talking. We are  hearing her voice. The question is, is that a necessity? Is it a zaroorat? Is there a necessity for it?

If a lady needs  a fatwa, is this the only avenue that she has to get her questions answered? Or are there other avenues whereby she could protect her voice, her purdah, her name etc. And when the conversation becomes casual then it’s even worse.

What Islam are we promoting (with all the casual conversation)

On some of the radio stations the presenters  even know the lady’s first name. There are frequent callers. Soon as that lady will phone, the presenter will beam: ‘Ohh! ‘this Bhen and that Bhen from here and there; How (is it that) you did not for a long time phone?’ What is this all? What Islam are we promoting? What Islam are we promoting?

So khair, they got their fatawa whatever, I’m not fighting with them that’s their conscience, and they must do what they think is right.

We are weak, thus we go by the Book (Qur’aan)

The thing here is, for us, maybe there Imaan is of another level, very very strong Imaan to enable then to listen to all these women’s voices and everything , and it doesn’t affect them. That’s between them and Allah Ta’ala. We have to go by the Book because we are weak people, we got to go by the Book.

The Laws of the Book

The question here is that we are keeping Roza, we taking all the trouble to wake up for Sehri, make sure we eating Halaal. We watch the clock. ‘I mustn’t eat beyond Sehri time. A few minutes before that I must finish. Even the person who’s a smoker, he makes sure bhai. He sees that everything is done well in advance mustn’t smoke after the Sehri time is over.

Iftaar time Hazrat Rahmatullah alayh used to always give this example. The person can be sitting there while whole dasterghaan is full everything and just 1 minute  or 2 minutes  remain for Iftaari. But if somebody has to tell him, that brother you fasted the whole day. Only 1 or 2 minutes are  left now. Never mind. Start eating now, Allah paak is Gafoorur Raheem. That person can be the Imam of the Haram Shareef also, He will not listen to such advice. He’s Taqwa is so strong at that moment.

‘No, my Allah said I can only break my Roza only when the time is right, at sunset — when the sun sets, then only I can break my Roza. 30 seconds before that also I can’t break the Roza. And a person gets so conscious at that time, he doesn’t even trust he’s own watch. He’ll wait for the Muathhin, Muathhin must call the Azaan, the minaret lights must come on.  When he calls the Azaan, then we’ll break our fast. Even our own clock we don’t trust. So conscious a person becomes.

We are being duped

Now we taking such trouble, but then we are being duped by our own scholars into thinking that what we are engaging in is an Ibaadat. We are being deceived by our own scholars into thinking that by listening to the radio station it is an Ibaadat.

And on that radio station, now you getting women’s voices coming on, women presenters coming on, females that are phoning in etc. and now we listening to it and especially the ones that are local, that I don’t want to even comment.

There is nothing Islamic about the Radio station. It is a mockery of Deen

There is absolutely nothing Islamic about that radio station. Absolutely nothing. In fact it is a total mockery of deen, total mockery of deen. So we must shut off these radio stations  just  as  we put the TV’s off.  We must put these things off also. If you want to listen to a good Bayaan, there are many CD’s that are available.

The effect of mixing Deen with the Dunya

I mentioned this to you before, a person wakes up at Sehri time, he thinks now they got a zikr program on or they got a bayaan on. In between the bayaan and the zikr program there is advertising for a holiday somewhere; somebody is advertising some holiday somewhere; somebody is advertising some motor car for sale; somebody is advertising investment property.

Now sehri time they need your mind to go to all those things. So rather listen to a Bayaan if you want to listen, you got many many recordings on CD on your phone whatever there’s no adverts, there’s no women’s voices, there’s no joking chit-chat nothing, listen to that.

And remember this is a program of Islaah. So I will mention to you the point of Islaah.  People who are listening on the on the streaming who got no Taalluk right, and people who listen to the recording thereafter and if one short clip is made of the program and you listen to it and it is not palatable to you, then don’t digest it. And don’t phone me also, I don’t want to hear your comments.

What is Haq is Haq. What is right is right.

For those women to come on radio, there are non-mahram, and for us to listen to their voices is impermissible. So we shouldn’t be listening to them. So you are looking for Islaah, therefore you are coming here for the program.

So i am telling you that this action is wrong. So stay away from it, abstain from it. Those who are following some other fatwa and they got a justification , then noorun ala noor good for them let them carry on.

You looking for Islaah by me isn’t it?. You came here for Islaah by me, so i’m telling you now, for you, and for whoever else wants to know what is Haq. That to listen to those women’s voices is impermissible.

So don’t taint your Roza, don’t taint your Roza by listening to voices of na- mahram women and think that everything is fine, It’s not fine. Its not right so we mustn’t listen to it. And whether it is Ramadhaan Shareef or  its not Ramadhaan Sahreef, whats right is right whats wrong is wrong.

Go back to the Asal what we were doing.

We used to keep our cassettes and we  used to listen to Bayaans, we used to listen to Qiraat. That time we were listening for education. We were not listening for entertainment. Now it has become entertainment. And the more we give entertainment to the Nafs, the more the Nafs will want.

The Nafs doesn’t stop…

So go back to what is Asal. Entertainment for the Nafs, this is not something that we must get so involved in, entertainment of the Nafs all the time. I read this Fatwa this morning and I was very very pleased with whoever wrote the question and also our Honourbale Ustaad Moulana Zakariyyah Makda Saheb who answered it. The answer was checked and approved  by Mufti Ebrahim Salajee Saheb. Everybody attends Mufti Saheb programme, and say, ‘What a Man! What a Man!’ Well this is checked and approved by him.

The abuse of Hadhrat Moulana Yunus Patel (Rahmatullahi alayh’s) name

And lot of times our Hadhrat (i.e. Moulana Yunus Patel Sahib) Rahmatullah Alayh’s name is used in a lot of circles. Everybody where they can use Hadhrat Rahmatulah alayh’s name to get mileage they will do so.

But today I’m saying it to you openly in the Musjid. Hadhrat Rahmatullah alayh himself told me personally, that the fatwa that was given (the crooked fatwa justifying the devil’s radio), was given because at that time there was a story that now they have to have women — you have to have men and women.

If you don’t have women they will shut you down. Hadhrat Rahmatullah alayh himself told me, and I am sitting in the Musjid,  I have got no reason to tell a lie. That the fatwa that was given and what is being done today, is chalk and cheese.

What Hadhrat Moualana Yunus Patel (Rahmatullahi alayh) said

The fatwa that was given was to take an old lady and put her in a time slot when there’s hardly any listeners and make her read form Fazaail-e Amaal. She mustn’t talk anything from herself.  She must just read form Fazaail-e Amaal. Just to fulfil that requirement. Now how that Fatwa has been stretched, unless there was some other Fatwa obtained, walaahu a’lam. But these were the words of Hadhrat Rahmatullah Alayh himself, that he told me.

Now, look what they are doing!

What Fatwa was given and what is being done are two totally different things. So khair, as I said to you, they probably got their fatwa, but I’m telling you and myself for our own Islaah, that don’t just leave this thing on and  passively listen to females voices, listening to women’s voices and more especially in the month of Ramadhaan Shareef.

The month of Ramadhaan Shareef we want to get closer to Allah Paak we want to stay away from Haraam, no we staying away from Gheebat, being very careful that we don’t speak lies, we being very careful we not committing Zina of the eyes. We trying our best. We are weak people and we trying our best to try and protect that Roza. Some way or the other, protect that Roza.

How we mix our fast with Gunaah

But then unwittingly we think we listening to an Islamic Radio Station, but there are non-Mahram women coming on and sometimes they are presenters and sometimes they are callers that are phoning in and by us listening to them we are unwittingly getting involved in Gunaah.

Because there is no zaroorat, even if that particular women got no other avenue to obtain her fatwa or he advice or whatever and she has to phone in to the radio station.

Today, we have technology

I mean today we got technology, it can be sent via email, it can be sent via sms, right. There’s no need for her to phone in, but say for example she got no access to email, she got no access to sms, nothing bichaari.

She  just nobody to assist her, the only way she can obtain a mas’alah  is by phoning in. So fine, for her it may be a zaroorat, is it a zaroorat for all of us? Do we have to listen to her.

Maybe the Mufti will have to listen to her right. Its a zaroorat for him now out of zaroorat he has to listen to her and she has to talk to the Mufti, out of Zaroorat she has to talk to him. And the rest of the world, how does it become a zaroorat for them?

So Allah Rabbul Izzet knows best. May Allah Subhaanawatallah protect us, protect our Imaan. Keep us awake, keep us awake that we don’t get into such a Ghaflat.

Everything is being watered down

with the excuse of look at the “Haalaat”  of the Ummah

That slowly slowly, slowly, slowly everything is being watered down. Everything is being watered down. And the excuse is, oh look at the halaat of the Ummat. At least they do this they don’t do that. It doesn’t work that way…”

Our comment:

The talk by Moulana Dawood Seedat Saheb basically covers all the major issues connected with the so-called Islamic Radio stations. Bitter as it may be, no sincere person can dispute that the Moulana is speaking the Truth.

We have reproduced the article for the benefit of those who are seriously seeking the Truth and who fear Allah and a Great Reckoning.

Many, many sincere Muslims are confused. They hear about Taqwa on Radio Islam but also hear the females laughing, flirting and speaking withalluring

tones. They hear how bad the worldly life is but are bombarded with advertisements of its glamour and glamour.On the

basis of Aayah,

Allah Most High says: “And do not aid one another in transgression and sin” (Surah Ma’idah) .                                absolutely Haraam to listen to any so-called “Islamic” Radio stations.

It is sinful to do so. By advertising, assisting, sponsoring, glamorising, promoting or taking up employment etc, at such Radio stations, one becomes a partner in making a mockery of the Deen of Allah. May Allah Ta’aala guide us all. Ameen

Read the following excerpts of the Moulana’s talk again:

“We are being DUPED by our own scholars into thinking that what we are engaging in is an Ibaadat.

“We are being DECEIVED by our own scholars into thinking that by listening to the radio station it is an Ibaadat.”

“There is absolutely NOTHING ISLAMIC about that radio station. Absolutely nothing. In fact it is a TOTAL MOCKERY OF DEEN, total mockery of deen.”

“What is Haq is Haq. What is right is right. For those women to come on radio, they are non-mahram, and for us to listen to their voices is impermissible. So we shouldn’t be listening to them.”


Moulana Abdul Hamid Saheb

( Daamat Barakatuhum )

Principal Darul Uloom Azaadville