Sarah (alayhas salam)
Reading Time: 2 minutes
She is the wife of Ibrahim ’alayhis salam and the mother of Is’haq ’alayhis salam. Her speaking to the angels and the angels informing her that she is a source of Allah’s mercy and blessings on all families is mentioned in the Quran.
A story concerning her piety and acceptance of her du’as has been mentioned in a Hadith. When Ibrahim ’alayhis salam migrated towards Syria, she also accompanied him. On the way they approached the village of an oppressive king. Someone went and informed him that a very beautiful woman has come to your state. He sent for Ibrahim ’alayhis salam and asked him: “Who is the woman that is accompanying you?” He replied: “My sister in Din.” He did not say that she is his wife because if he did so, the king would have killed him. When he returned to Sarah, he said to her: “Do not deny what I said (to the king) because you are my sister in Din.” Thereafter, the king had her captured and brought to him. When she realized that he had evil intentions, she made wudu, offered her salat, and made du’a to Allah saying: “O Allah! If I have brought iman on your prophet (i.e. Ibrahim ’alayhis salam) and have always protected my respect and honour, then do not allow this kafir to gain control over me.” The result of this du’a was that the moment he tried to touch her, he was overpowered (by Allah), he choked and began striking the ground with his feet (in agony). He said to her: Pray to Allah for me and I will do you no harm.” She thought to herself that if he dies, people will say that she killed him. She therefore made a du’a and he immediately recovered. He tried to touch her again, but she made another du’a (and he was overpowered once again). He repeated his promise, but broke it once more. She therefore made another du’a. In short, this incident took place three times. Eventually he shouted to his servants asking them: “What is this calamity that you have brought to me. Take her away and let her go.” Hajirah’alayhas salam who was from the Qibti tribe was also wrongfully enslaved by him. Allah had protected her honour as well. He handed her over to Sarah for her service. They both went back to Ibrahim ’alayhis salam with respect and honour.
Sarah ‘alayhas salaam