When selling an item, it is wajib on the person to show all the defects that may be found in it. It is haraam to conceal the defects and to convince the person into buying such an item.
After purchasing an item, a person noticed a defect in it, e.g. a woman notices that a cloth has been eaten up, a shawl has some moths in it or she notices any other defect. She now has the choice of keeping the item as it is, or returning it to the seller. However, if she decides to keep it, she will have to pay the full price of the item. It is not permissible for her to reduce an amount from the total price as a compensation for the defect. But if the seller agrees to reduce the price because of the defect, it will be permissible for her to pay less.
A person had purchased some fabric and kept it aside. A child ripped off a corner of that fabric or cut it with a pair of scissors. Thereafter, he noticed that it is damaged from the inside as well and that a rat has eaten it at several places. The person cannot return this item because one additional defect took place at his house (i.e. when the child had cut it). However, he can have the price reduced as a compensation for the defect that took place at the shopkeeper’s place (i.e. the several places that had been eaten by a rat). People who know the value of the item should be asked to estimate its present value and the price reduced accordingly.
Similarly, if a defect is noticed after a fabric has been purchased and already cut, it cannot be returned but the price will be reduced. However, if the seller says: “Return the cut fabric and take a full refund, I am not going to reduce the price”, he has the right to ask for it and the buyer cannot refuse to return it.
If the fabric has been cut and also sewn and thereafter a defect is noticed, the price will be reduced as a compensation for the defect. In such a case, the seller cannot take his fabric back.
If the buyer sells that fabric or cuts it with the intention of sewing something for her immature child and at the same time making a firm resolution of giving it to the child, and thereafter a defect is noticed, then the price cannot be reduced. But if she cut it with the intention of sewing something for her mature child, the price can be reduced.