Reading Time: < 1 minute



She is the wife of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt who had claimed to be god. Look at the power of Allah that the husband was a shaytan while the wife was so pious that the Quran praises her and our Rasul sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam has spoken about her in the following terms: “There are many men who have reached stages of excellence. However, from among the women, no one reached a stage of excellence except Maryam and Asiyah. It was Asiyah who had saved the life of Musa from the tyrant, Pharaoh.”

As mentioned in the story of Musa’s ‘alayhis salam sister’s story, it was already written in her (Asiyah’s) favour that she will bring iman on Musa ‘alayhis salam. She had a natural love for him since his infancy. When Musa ‘alayhis salam received prophethood, Pharaoh did not bring iman on him. However, she brought iman on him. When Pharaoh heard about this, he became extremely harsh to her and imposed many punishments on her.

However, she did not relinquish her iman and left the world in this state.

Lesson: Look at how firm she was on her iman. Despite her kafir husband imposing severe difficulties on her, she did not succumb to him. Today, when one experiences minor difficulties, one begins uttering words of kufr. O women! iman is a very great gift. Irrespective of the nature of difficulty, never ever do anything contrary to the Din. If the husband does anything irreligious, don’t ever support or join him. In those days, marriage with a kafir husband was valid. However, the rule in our Shari’ah is that if the husband is a kafir, the marriage is not valid. And if he becomes a kafir after marriage, the marriage will be annulled.