The mother of Maryam (alayhas salaam)

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The mother of Maryam (alayhas salaam)

Her name is Hannah. Her husband’s name is ‘Imran who is the father of Maryam. When she fell pregnant, she took a vow that when she gives birth to the child she will keep him free for the service of the musjid. That is, she will not allow him to get involved in any worldly activity. She was under the impression that she will give birth to a boy because only a boy can be of service to the musjid. At that time, vows of this nature were permissible. When the time of delivery of the child came, she gave birth to a girl. Out of sadness she said: “O Allah! I have given birth to a girl.” She was informed that this girl will be better than boys and that Allah has accepted her. She kept the name of this child Maryam and made a du‘a to Allah that He should protect her and her progeny from shayt an. Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said that shaytan torments every child that is born. However, he was unable to torment Maryam and ‘Eesa (alayhimas salaam).

Lesson: Look at the blessing of her pure intention in that Allah blessed her with a pious child and accepted her du‘a as well. We learn that Allah favoured her greatly. O women! This is the blessing of pure intentions. Keep your intentions pure all the time. If you do any good act, do it for Allah alone. In this way, you will also be valued by Allah.