The mother of Abu Dhar Ghifari radiyallahu ‘anhu

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The mother of Abu Dhar Ghifari radiyallahu ‘anhu


Abu Dhar Ghifari is a Sahabee. When the news of Rasulullah’s s allallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam prophethood spread, he left his hometown and came to Makkah in order to establish the truth. After observing the situation in Makkah, he became a Muslim. When he returned home, his mother heard his entire story. She replied: “I have no objection to your Deen. I am also becoming a Muslim.”

Lesson: This is what is known as purity in nature and temperament. Once she heard the truth, she did not worry about the religion of her forefathers. O women! Even when you hear anything about the Sharee’ah, do not try to contradict it by substantiating your family customs and rituals. You should readily accept the matter of Deen and act accordingly.