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An Ansaree woman


Ibn Is’haq narrates that the husband, father and brother of an Ansaree woman were all martyred in the battle of ‘Uhud, in which they had participated with Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. When she was informed about this, she replied: “First tell me, how is Rasulullah?” They replied that he is well and alive. She replied: “If he is safe and sound, there is nothing to be sorrowful about.”

Lesson: Glory be to Allah! What great love she had for Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam! O women! If you wish to have love for him, follow his Sharee’ah in totality. In this way, you will develop a love for him, and on account of this love, you will receive a stage near him.