‘Asma’ bint ‘Umays radiyallahu ‘anha

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‘Asma’ bint ‘Umays radiyallahu ‘anha


She is a Sahabiyah. When the kuffar of Makkah persecuted the Muslims, many of them migrated to Abyssinia. She was also among them. Later, when Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam migrated to Madinah, all those who were in Abyssinia also joined him. She also went to Madinah. Rasulullah gave her the glad tidings by informing her that because she undertook two hijrahs, she will be greatly rewarded.

Lesson: Look at how she changed from one who had a home to a homeless person, and this was done solely for the Deen. O women! If you have to bear any burdens for the sake of Deen, do not display any laziness.