She is the sister of ‘Umar radiyallahu ‘anhu. She had accepted Islam before her brother. Her husband, Sa’eed bin Zayd, had also become a Muslim. ‘Umar radiyallahu ‘anhu had not become a Muslim as yet. Both of them were keeping their Islam a secret out of fear for him. Once, ‘Umar heard her reciting the Quran. Upon hearing this, he became very angry with both of them. Let alone his brother-in-law who was a man, even his sister informed him clearly and unhesitatingly that they had become Muslims and were indeed reciting the Quran. If he wished, he could hit them or leave them (it will not change their minds in any way). ‘Umar replied: “Let me see the Quran as well.” The moment he saw it and heard it, the light of eeman entered his heart, he went straight to Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and became a Muslim.
Lesson: O women! You should also be firm in matters of the Deen and the Sharee’ah . Do not say anything against the Shariah in exchange for monetary gain nor follow customs that are contrary to the Sharee’ah merely to please your family. If anything is contrary to the Sharee’ah, do not even go near it.