14. The same rule applies to all bequests. If a person had many fasts to keep, many salaats to make qada of or some zakaat to be given, he therefore made a bequest for all this and passed away, then allthese payments will have to be made from the one third. It is not permissible to use more than one third without the permission of all the inheritors. 15. If a person did not make a bequest for hajj-e-badal, it will not be permissible to do so by using the money which he had left behind. But if all the inheritors agree to this, it will be permissible. InshaAllah, the obligation of hajj will be fulfilled. But it should be borne in mind that the permission of animmature inheritor is not considered. 16. If a woman is in her iddah, she cannot go for hajj. 17. If a person has sufficient funds for the onward and return journey to Makkah but not sufficient enough to visit Madinah as well, hajj will still be fard upon him. Many are of the incorrect opinion that as long as you do not have sufficient funds to go to Madinah as well, hajj does not become fard. This notion is absolutely wrong. 18. When a woman is in her ihraam, she cannot cover her face in such a way that the piece of cloth touches her face. These days, a latticed screen or fan is available for this purpose. It should be tied to the face with the screen in line with the eyes and with the burqah worn loosely above it. This is permissible. 19. The rules and regulations of hajj cannot be understood and remembered without really going on hajj. On going for hajj, one is taught all the rites of hajj, etc. We therefore do not feel it necessary to enumerate these rules and regulations. Similarly, the method of performing umrah can be learnt by going to Makkah.