5. If the mahram has not reached the age of maturity, or he is so irreligious that he cannot even be trusted with his mother, sister, etc. it will not be permissible to travel with such a mahram as well. 6. Once a woman finds a reliable mahram, her husband cannot prevent her from going on hajj. Even if he prevents her from going, she should not pay any heed to him and she should continue on her journey. 7. A girl who is on the verge of reaching the age of maturity cannot go for hajj without a shar’eemahram. She cannot even go alone. 8. If a mahram takes a woman for her hajj, all his expenses will have to be borne by the woman. It is wajib upon her to pay him for all his expenses.
9. If a woman cannot find a suitable mahram throughout her life, she will not be sinful for not performing her hajj. However, at the time of her death it is wajib on her to make a bequest that hajj be performed on her behalf. After her death, her inheritors should find someone to perform the hajj on her behalf. The expenses for this hajj should be paid from the money that she left behind. In this way she will be absolved of the duty of performing hajj. This type of hajj is known as hajj-e-badal. 10. If hajj was fard on a person but he delayed performing it until such a time that he became blind or became so sick that he is unable to undertake the journey, then he will also have to make a bequest for hajj-e-badal. 11. If a person dies, leaving behind so much of wealth that after paying all his debts, there is sufficient money to pay for the hajj-e-badal from one third of his wealth, then it is wajib on the inheritors to fulfill his bequest for hajj-e-badal. But if the money is so little that hajj-e-badal cannot be made from one third of his wealth, then the person’s relatives should not undertake to have the hajj performed. The inheritors could also take the entire one third for the purpose of hajj-e-badal and supply the balance of the money from their own side so that the hajj-e-badal could be made. In other words, they should not give more than one third from the wealth of the deceased person. However, if all the inheritors happily agree to give their share of the inheritance for the performance of hajj-e-badal, it will be permissible to use more than one third of the wealth of the deceased. However, the permission of immature inheritors is not considered in the Shariah. Therefore, no money should be taken from their share. 12. A person made a bequest for hajj-e-badal and thereafter passed away. However, the wealth that he left behind was very little and hajj-e-badal could not be made from the one third. In addition to this, the inheritors refused to forego their shares in order for the hajj-e-badal to be performed. Bearing all this in mind, if the hajj is not performed, there will be no sin on the deceased.