The mother of Hudhayfah radiyallahu ‘anhu

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The mother of Hudhayfah radiyallahu ‘anhu


Hadrat Hudhayfah is a Sahabi. He says: “Once my mother asked me: ‘How many days have passed since you visited Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam?’ I told her the number of days. Upon hearing this she began rebuking me. So I told her: ‘I am going this very moment and I will offer the maghrib salat with him.

Thereafter, I will ask him to make du’a for salvation on your behalf and my behalf.’ I went to him, offered the maghrib and thereafter the ‘isha salats with him. After the ‘isha s alat he began leaving, so I followed him. Upon hearing a sound behind him, he asked: ‘Is that Hudhayfah?’ I replied: ‘Yes.’ He asked: ‘What do you want? May Allah forgive you and your mother.’”

Lesson: Look at what a good mother she was that she even asks her children whether they visited Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam or not. O women! You should also emphasise on your children to go and visit pious persons, learn matters of the Deen from them, and acquire the barakah of good company.