It is mentioned in a Hadith that children are the flowers of jannah. This means that the amount of joy and happiness one will experience on seeing the flowers of paradise, that same amount of joy and happiness is experienced when he looks at his children. And we know fully well that children can only be obtained through marriage.
It is mentioned in a Hadith that when the status of a person is increased in jannah, he asks out of wonder: “How did I receive all this?” (That is, “How did I receive such a high status when I hadn’t carried out so many good deeds to deserve such a status?”) It will be said to this person that this high status is on account of your children asking for forgiveness on your behalf. In other words, your children had asked for forgiveness on your behalf. In return for that, you have been accorded this status.
It is mentioned that the child who is born out of a miscarriage (i.e. it is born before the due date) will “fight”(wrangle) with its Creator when its parents are entered into jahannam. In other words, this child will go to extremes in interceding on behalf of its parents and will ask Allah Ta’ala to remove its parents from jahannam. Through His bounty, Allah Ta’ala will accept the intercession of this child and He will be soft and lenient towards it. It will be said to this child: “O siqt (which means, miscarried foetus) who is quarrelling with its Lord! Enter your parents into jannah.” So this child will draw its parents out of jahannam with its navel cord and enter both of them into jannah. We learn from this, that children of this sort, who are actually a by-product of marriage, will also be of help in the hereafter. It is mentioned in a Hadith that when the husband and wife look at each other (with love), Allah Ta’ala looks at both of them with mercy. It is mentioned in a Hadith that Allah Ta’ala has taken it upon Himself (i.e. out of His mercy, He as taken the responsibility) of helping the person who gets married in order to attain purity from that which Allah has made haram. In other words, the person who marries in order to save himself from adultery with the intention of obeying Allah Ta’ala, Allah will help and assist him in his expenses and other affairs. It is mentioned in a Hadith that two rak‘ats of salat performed by a married person is better than 82 rak‘ats performed by an unmarried person. In another Hadith, 70 rak‘ats have been mentioned instead of 82 rak‘ats. It is possible that this means that 70 rak‘ats are written in favour of the person who fulfils the necessary rights of his wife and family, and that 82 rak‘ats are in favour of the person who apart from fulfilling their necessary rights, serves them more with his life, wealth and good habits. It is mentioned in a Hadith that it is a major sin for a person to be neglectful with regard to those whom he is responsible for (and to have shortcomings in fulfilling their needs). It is mentioned in a Hadith that Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: “I have not left behind any test and tribulation on men more harmful than women.” In other words, of all the things that are harmful for men, women are the most harmful. This is because, out of his love for a woman, a man loses all his senses, so much so that he does not even take the commands and orders of Allah Ta’ala into consideration. Therefore, a person must not fall in love with a woman in such a way that he has to act contrary to the Shari‘ah. For example, her demands for her food and clothing are more than what the husband can afford. In such circumstances,never accept any bribes in order to supplement your present income. Instead, give her from the halal earnings which Allah Ta’ala has blessed you with. You should continue teaching your womenfolk and inculcate respect and good manners in them. Do not allow them to become impudent and disrespectful. The intellect of women is deficient, it is therefore incumbent to take special measures in reforming them.