Divorce after the bride’s departure from her parent’s home
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After the bride’s departure from her parents’ home, the bride and bridegroom met in privacy and also engaged in sexual intercourse. Thereafter, if the husband issues one or two divorces in clear terms, talaqur raj’i will take place. If he utters the divorce in vague terms, talaqul ba’in will take place. In talaqur raj’i he will have the choice of going back to his wife, while in talaqul ba’in he will not have the choice. However, if he did not issue three divorces, they can re-marry within her ‘iddah (if both of them wish to remarry) and after the expiry of the ‘iddah as well. But if she wishes to marry another person, she can do so only after the expiry of her ‘iddah. But it should be borne in mind that the ‘iddah is necessary in all forms of divorce. As long as the ‘iddah has not expired, a second or third divorce can also be issued.
Divorce after the bride’s departure from her parent’s home