Divorce prior to the bride’s departure from her parent’s home
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Before the bride could even go to her husband’s home, he divorced her. Alternatively, she went to her husband’s home but they did not meet in privacy or seclusion which could be considered to be valid in the Shari‘ah. This privacy or seclusion was explained in the chapter on mahr. Before they could meet in privacy and seclusion, the husband divorced her. In such circumstances, talaqul ba’in will take place irrespective of whether the divorce was uttered in clear words or in vague terms. When such a woman is divorced, talaqul ba’in will take place and she does not have to complete any ‘iddah. Immediately after being divorced, she can marry another person. Furthermore, after issuing one divorce to such a woman, the man does not have the right or choice of giving a second or third divorce. If he does so, it will not apply. However, if in the first time, he says: “I give you two divorces, or, three divorces”, two or three divorces will take place. If he says: “I divorce you, divorce you, divorce you”, even then one divorce will take place with regard to such a woman.
Divorce prior to the bride’s departure from her parent’s home