More on Issuing Three Talaqs

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More on Issuing Three Talaqs

A person issued a talaqur raj’i to his wife. Thereafter he decided to keep his wife. After a few years he became angry over some matter and therefore issued another talaqur raj’i (in which he has the right of keeping his wife). When his anger subsided, he decided to keep his wife and did not let her go. These divorces that he issued will be counted as two divorces. If, at some time or the other, he issues one more divorce, it will total three divorces. Once this occurs, the rules that have been mentioned in mas’ala number one will apply over here as well. That is, she cannot remarry this husband of hers unless she marries another person first.

Similarly, if a person issues a talaqul ba’in (in which he does not have the right to keep his wife), the marriage will be annulled. Thereafter, he regretted his action and both of them decided to remarry. After some time, he became angry with her again and issued a talaqul ba’in. After his anger subsided, he remarried her. He thus issued two divorces. If he issues one more divorce, the rule mentioned in mas’ala number one will apply. That is, he cannot remarry her unless she marries another person first.

If the woman marries another person on the condition that he would divorce her after engaging in sexual intercourse with her, this person is not bound to fulfil this condition. He can divorce her if he wishes or keep her if he wishes. Furthermore, he can divorce her whenever he wishes – he is not bound by any time limit. It should be borne in mind that it is a major sin and haram to marry on such a condition or promise. One is cursed by Allah Ta‘ala. However, despite this, the nikah will be valid. If such a nikah takes place, the second husband has intercourse with her, and thereafter passes away or divorces her, it will be permissible for her to remarry her first husband.