Hafid bin Zahr at-Tabib’s sister and niece
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Hafid bin Zahr at-Tabib’s sister and niece
This is a famous doctor. His sister and niece also possessed great knowledge in this field. There was a great caliph by the name of Mansur. These two women were appointed to treat all those who were in his household.
Lesson: This branch of knowledge has completely disappeared from women. If a woman wishes to take up this profession, has a good intention, does not engage in any cheating, does not prescribe any haram medicine, and is not neglectful in fulfilling her Dini obligations; then there is great reward in this and extremely beneficial to humanity at large. These days, many ignorant “doctors” have deluded many women. If they had knowledge, this degeneration would not have taken place. If those women whose father, brother or husband is a doctor make an effort to learn this branch of knowledge, they will be able to do so very easily.
Hafid bin Zahr at-Tabib’s sister and niece