She is the mother-in-law of Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and the mother of ‘A’ishah radiyallahu‘anha. A munafiq had accused ‘A’ishah of committing adultery. Some naive Muslims had also joined this person. Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam remained silent over the entire matter. Allah revealed a few verses of the Quran absolving her and mentioning her chastity. Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam recited these verses to his house folk. At that time, Umme Ruman ordered ‘A’ishah radiyallahu ‘anha to get up and express her gratitude to Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Although she was greatly grieved over her daughter prior to this, was it possible that she utters even a word of complaint concerning Rasulullah sallallahu‘alayhi wa sallam?
Lesson: Such forbearance and restraint on the part of a woman is extremely surprising because on occasions like this they generally blurt out something wrong. For example, she could have said: “How unfortunate that my daughter has been accused without any valid reason, more so now that her chastity has been established.” At such a time, in most cases, one becomes very angry and annoyed and rebukes the person for having doubts on such a pure and chaste woman. At times of grief and wrangling, do not side with your daughter nor fight with her in-laws.
Another woman has also been mentioned in this entire incident. Her son, due to ignorance and naivety, also joined those who accused ‘A’ishah radiyallahu ‘anha. This woman reprimanded her son and sided with ‘A’ishah. Her name is Umme Mistah. This is what you call standing for the truth. That she did not side with her son – she sided with the truth and even reprimanded her son.