Mu‘adhah ‘Adawiyyah
Reading Time: < 1 minute
She had a strange condition. At the approach of day, she used to say: “Perhaps this is the day in which I will die”, and she used to abstain from sleeping till the evening so that at the time of death she will not be unmindful of the remembrance of Allah. At the approach of night, she used to abstain from sleeping as well. When she felt sleepy, she used to run around the house and say to her self: “The time to sleep is still to come.” Meaning that once I die, I will be able to sleep right until qiyamah. She used to offer 600 rak‘ats of nafl s alat in a day. She never ever raised her eyes to the skies. Ever since her husband passed away, she never lied down on her bed. She met ‘A’ishah radiyallahu ‘anha and heard Ahadith from her.
Mu‘adhah ‘Adawiyyah