The aunt of Ibn Jauzi

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The aunt of Ibn Jauzi


This person is a very great ‘alim. When he was young, his aunt used to take him to the great places of learning. All the things that he heard while he was young were such that by the time he reached ten years of age, he began delivering lectures like an ‘alim.

Lesson: Look at the concern that she had in order to impart Dini knowledge to her children. She must have been very old at that time and yet she herself used to take him. The minimum that you can do is that as long as your child does not acquire Dini knowledge, do not sink him into western education. Stop him from bad company and warn him against it. Stress upon him the importance of going to madrasah. Today the situation is such that mothers do not even have any desire to educate their children. If they have any desire, it is for western education with the hope that their children will become a tax-collector or an officer, etc. even if he goes to hell and takes his parents with. Remember, that the most important thing is Dini knowledge. If a child does not have that, he does not have anything.