‘Ubaydah bint Kilab

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‘Ubaydah bint Kilab


Malik bin Dinar was a very great sufi. This woman used to come and see to his needs. Some sufis consider her to be greater in status than Rabi’ah Basriyyah. Once she heard a person saying: “A person can only be a complete muttaqi when he considers going to Allah the most beloved of all things.” Upon hearing this, she fainted.

Lesson: What a great desire and yearning she had to go to Allah that the moment His name was mentioned, she fainted. Today the situation is such that a person does not even like to hear about death. The only reason for this is that love for the world has entered the heart and the person does not even feel like going. Remove this from the heart, only then will you have a desire to go to Allah.