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Aminah Ramleeyyah


There was a sufi by the name of Bishr bin Hârith who used to come and visit her. Once Bishr fell ill, so she came to visit him. Imâm ’Ahmad bin Hambal also came to visit him. He heard that this ’Âminah came from Ramlah to visit Bishr, so he said to Bishr: “Tell her to make du‘â for me.” Bishr asked her to do so. She made the following du‘â: “O Allah! Bishr and ’Ahmad are seeking refuge from jahannam . You grant refuge to both of them.” Imâm ’Ahmad says that in the night, a piece of paper fell from above. On it, Bismillah was written and thereafter the following words were written: “We have accepted the du‘â and We have many other bounties in stock.”

Lesson: Glory be to Allah! How her du‘â got accepted! O women! All these blessings are on account of obedience. The person who fulfills the commands of Allah, Allah fulfills his du‘âs. Therefore try to fulfil all His commands.