More on Paying Kaffarah on Breaking an Oath
More on Paying Kaffarah on Breaking an Oath
Prior to breaking his oath, a person gave the kaffarah. After giving the kaffarah, he broke his oath. The kaffarah which he had given will not be valid. After breaking his oath, he will have to give kaffarah again. Whatever he had given to the poor persons prior to breaking his oath cannot be taken back from them.
A person took an oath several times. For example, he said: “I swear by Allah that I will not do that work.” Later, he repeats the same oath irrespective of whether he repeats it on the same day, the next day or even on the third day. Alternatively, he says: “I swear by God, I swear by Allah, I swear by the Quran that I will definitely do that work.” Thereafter, this person breaks this oath of his. He will only have to give one kaffarah for all these oaths.
A person had taken several oaths and therefore had to give several kaffarahs. According to the preferred opinion, he will have to give a separate kaffarah for each oath that he had taken. If the person does not give it during his lifetime, it will be wajib upon him to make a bequest in this regard before he leaves this world.
The food or clothing that is given as kaffarah will have to be given to those poor persons who are eligible to receive zakaat.