A person has R1000 in cash with him. However, he is also in debt for an amount of over a thousand rands. It is permissible to give him zakaat as well. However, if his debt is less than R1000, then this amount that he is owing will be subtracted from the cash that he possesses. Thereafter we will have to see whether the balance that he has is more than the nisaab of zakaat or less than it. If the balance is more than the nisaab, zakaat cannot be given to him. But if it is less, then zakaat can be given to him. A person may be a very rich person at home. However, while on a journey, all his money got stolen or exhausted in some other way to such an extent that he does not even have sufficient funds to reach his eventual destination. It will be permissible to give zakaat to such a person. Similarly, a person who is travelling for hajj and who may be a rich person can also be given zakaat money if all his money gets spent. Zakaat cannot be given to a kaafir. It will have to be given to a Muslim. All forms of charity can be given to a kaafir except the following: zakaat, ushr,sadaqatul fitr, nazr, and kaffarah. Zakaat funds cannot be used for the building of a musjid, for the shrouding and burial of a deceased person, for the payment of debts on behalf of a deceased person, or for any other noble purpose. As long as zakaat is not given to the rightful person, it will not be considered to be fulfilled. Zakaat cannot be given to one’s ascendents. That is, to one’s parents, maternal and paternal grand-parents and even great grand-parents. In the same way, zakaat cannot be given to one’s descendants. That is, to one’s children, grand-children, great grand-children, etc. In the same way, the husband and wife cannot give zakaat to each other.