Oaths Related to Entering a House

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Oaths Related to Entering a House

1.  A person took an oath that he will never enter your house. Thereafter, he stood on the porch or below the balcony of your house without actually entering the house. His oath will not be broken. However, the moment he enters through the door, his oath will break.

2.  A person took an oath that he will not enter a particular house. Thereafter, when that house became completely delapidated and ruined, he entered it. His oath will break. But if that house was completely flattened to such an extent that there are no traces of it, or it has been turned into an orchard, or a musjid has been constructed in its place, or it has been turned into a farm and thereafter he entered it, his oath will not be broken.
3.  A person took an oath that he will not enter a particular house. Thereafter, it was ruined and reconstructed. If he enters the house, his oath will break.

4.  A person took an oath that he will not enter your house. He then landed onto your roof by jumping from the upper storey of the house next door. By him standing on your roof, his oath will break. This is even if he does not come down into your house.

5.  While a person was sitting in a house, he said: “Now I will never come to this house.” After taking this oath, he continued sitting there for a little while. His oath will not break irrespective of how many days he may remain in that house. But the moment he goes outside and then enters the house, his oath will break. If a person takes an oath that he will not wear these clothes (i.e. the clothes that he is presently wearing) and immediately thereafter he removes them, his oath will not break. But if he does not remove them immediately and continues wearing them for some time, his oath will break.