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She used to cry profusely and say: “I want to cry to such an extent that I have no tears left. Thereafter, I must cry blood to such an extent that I have no blood left in my body.” Her servant says: “Ever since I set eyes on her, I benefited to such an extent that I never had any desire for the world nor did I look down upon any Muslim.” Fudayl bin ‘Iyad is a very great and well known saint. He used to go to her and ask her for du‘as.

Lesson: Being able to cry out of Allah’s love or His fear is a very valuable gift. If you are unable to cry, at least adopt the expression of a crying person and Allah will have mercy on such humbleness. Look at the great benefit in sitting in the company of the pious – as mentioned by her servant. You should also seek pious company and keep away from evil persons.