A person bought guavas, pomegranates, coconuts or anything else which is generally not all the same. As long as the person does not see all the fruit, he will have the right to return them. By his seeing a few of the fruit, he does not forfeit the right to return. If a person purchases something that is to be consumed (either by eating it or drinking it), he does not forfeit his right to return by merely seeing it. He should also taste it. If he does not like it, he has the right to return it. A person had seen an item long ago. He purchased it today but did not look at it at the time of purchasing it (thinking that there is no need to do so since he had seen it previously). When he took it home, it was exactly as he had seen it a long time ago. After seeing it, he does not have the right to return it. However, if, after seeing it after so long, he notices some difference in it, he has the choice of keeping it or returning it.