Manfusah bint Zayd Abi al-Fawaris

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Manfusah bint Zayd Abi al-Fawaris


Whenever any child of hers used to pass away, she used to take the child into her lap and say: “Your going away before me is better than your staying after me.” What she meant was that by the child passing away before her, he will be able to intercede on her behalf and he himself will gain salvation. If he lived after her, it is possible that he may commit thousands of sins and Allah knows best whether he will be eligible to intercede or not. She also used to say: “My patience is better than restlessness. Although there is remorse over your separation from me, there is more happiness over the reward.”

Lesson: O women! If you console yourself in this way when anyone passes away, ’Insha’ Allah, it will be sufficient for you.