The Life of Hakeemul Ummat (56)

Reading Time: 2 minutes


10.3 Word and Mood

Hazrat Muhammadi Shah Wilaayati was a Buzrug of Ilahabad with a dervish-like nature. Once, Hazrat’s father fell ill and he thus sent for him. Upon regaining his health he took Hazrat to Shah Saheb. Introducing his son he said: “This is my son. He is a graduate from Deoband. He has written a poetical duet in Farsi. After listening to some poems of the duet he made du’aa:

“May Allah Ta’ala convert the words into feelings.”

His feelings were apparent form childhood though, in that he would read Tahajjud regularly and he remained under the spiritual gaze of Hazrat Moulana Shah Rafee’ud Deen Saheb (Rahmatullahi alaih), the result of which Hazrat states himself in these words:
“During that time I felt like I had absolutely no personal feelings and as if I was a total Farishta. Thereafter, however, I became highly emotional.”

In other words, he became so lost in emotional spiritual states that he adopted a nom de plume and started to compose poems.

During his stay in Makkah Mu’azzamah, under that spiritual state he said a highly arousing poem of love, the content matter of which was replete with Tauheed-e-Wujoodi [the existence of the Oneness of Allah Ta’ala]. However, he understood it to be detrimental to the general public and, therefore, did not consent to it being published. Upon the exclusive request of the author of Ashrafus Sawaanih, however, permission was granted to reproduce just two couplets, which are:

خودی جب تک رہی اسکو نہ پایا
As long as the ego remained I never found it
جب اسکو ڈھونڈ پایا خود عدم تھے
When I searched for it, non-existent I found it
حقيقيت کیا تمہاری تھی مياں آہ
Aah! Mister, what were you really?
يہ سب امداد کے لطف و کرم تھے
This was all through Imdaad’s grace and beauty

During that time at the yearly gathering of Qaari Abdul Haq Saheb, Hazrat was requested to give a wa’z. Due to being overwhelmed by his spiritual condition he regarded it to be impertinent to give wa’z in the land of emotion, that is Makkah Mu’azzamah, and he refused. However, through the mediation of Hazrat Haji Saheb he was compelled and he took his seat. Preceding his talk a Turk with a melodious voice commenced Tilaawat to begin the programme. Upon the Turkish Qaari commencing his recital Hazrat became totally overwhelmed by an emotional state that words disappeared. He would say:

“In my entire life I never heard such a passionate and provocative tune. The whole gathering fell into a sort of trance, and I was breathless.

Then, upon being requested to deliver the lecture I replied: ‘If you wanted me to deliver a lecture then he should not have been told to recite. Now I am unable to give a bayaan.’ And truly his qiraat had such a heavy impact on me that I didn’t have the strength to say a wa’z at all. I lost control of my limbs, my heart and my tongue. They also discerned that truly I was excused.”

In this way Haq Ta’ala created the means through the unseen of a rational and an acceptable excuse for him not giving a wa’z; true to the saying:

ميد ہد يزداں مراد متقيں
The Creator of good and virtue grants the Muttaqeen their desire

Thus, respect for him was preserved, and in general, for each word of his a corresponding emotional state was apparent.