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10.5 Blessings in Time

During his stay in Makkah Mu’azzamah Hazrat translated Tanweer with the title Ikseer fee Ithbaatit Taqdeer. He wrote this, following the request of Hazrat Haji Saheb. Daily he would recite to Haji Saheb the amount he had translated. Haji Saheb would be delighted at what he would hear, and commenting on the volume of work he would say: “Allah Ta’ala has granted barkat in your time.”

Truly, this comment of Hazrat Haji Saheb revealed an accepted fact. The barakaat in Hazrat Thanwi’s time would be observed on a daily basis. Up to this day the hundreds of his writings and compilations are fair witnesses to this fact.

Daily he would receive forty to fifty letters requiring a reply. They would be very lengthy and related to Fiqh, Sulook, Kalaam, etc. Merely going through the letters required so much time and added to that the time required to reply!

One day, close to fifty letters came in the post. After perusing them, when he sat to answer the letters, less than two minutes were calculated as the average time he spent with each letter.

Similarly, when he would occupy himself in some Deeni work then through the Fazl of Allah Ta’ala nothing would interfere with his work. For instance, the day more post came then less people came for ta’weez, and so forth.

In regard to the time he was compiling Tafseer Bayaanul Qur’aan Hazrat explains:
“Bifazlihi Ta’ala, in the lengthy period of two and a half years I did not have the slightest of physical complaints and not a day did I miss out. I did not even have a common cold to bother me, whereas during that time right in Thanabawan there was a severe outbreak of pestilence which lasted for some time. It did cause some problems but not such a problem which could not be compensated thereafter. During that time I used to make du’aa that I should not die before the completion of the Tafseer.”

Then barkat in time was also realized in this way that when he would sit down to write something the content matter would spontaneously appear. He would answer very difficult letters easily and with an adequate and satisfying answer. He would not discard any necessary and hidden aspect of the letter. In his compilations he would write on very intricate academic topics with so much comprehensiveness.

On many occasions the barkat in his time occurred in this way that the material he wished to search for in a kitaab, its location came to him immediately, or simply by turning some pages it appeared before him.

Many times whilst walking or reading Namaaz, speaking, sitting, etc. important Masaail automatically came to his mind. And above all he saved on time through strict regulation of his time and beautiful management.

When he used to commence any work then until he was not complete with it he would not rest. So much so that nearing the completion of some compilations he would sit the whole night and write. Not for a minute would he rest. Together with that he would remain in thought of Allah Ta’ala. He would say:
“Even though I may not get the taufeeq of Zikr but on my part I continuously strive to keep my heart free so that, if I do get the taufeeq at any time then I can turn my heart to Haq Ta’ala. Then there won’t be any impediment to Tawajjuh Ilallah. This is the reason why I become frustrated and angry over complicated matters. I want to finish a matter quickly to gain peace of mind and my tabi’at is not tied down, whereas people complicate matters and needlessly keep me tied down and confused.”