Q & A – Tahaarat and Wudhu
Question: Will Wudhu break when water flows from the eyes because of bright light, heat, cutting onions or from preventing a cough during Salaah?
Answer: Wudhu will NOT be nullified in all of the above cases. Wudhu will be nullified only when pus and/or sticky fluid emerges from the eyes and is accompanied by pain.
And Allah Ta’ala knows best.
Question: Will Wudhu be nullified when there is pain in the ear which is accompanied by a discharge of fluid or any other substance? What if one performed Salaah after this happened?
Answer: Yes, Wudhu will be nullified when pain in the ear is accompanied by a discharge of fluid or any other substance. Salaah performed after this should be repeated.
The same applied to the eye. However, Wudhu will not be nullified if there is no pain with the discharge.
And Allah Ta’ala knows best.
Question: Is the vomit of a breastfeeding baby pure or not? If impure, is the Najaasat (impurity) Ghaleezah (heavy impurity) or Khafeefah (lighter impurity)?
Answer: The vomit of a suckling baby is Ghaleezah and the clothing/body will have to be washed off.
And Allah Ta’ala knows best.