The A-Z of Why It Is Haraam To Close the Masaajid Even in The Face of Covid-19

Reading Time: 7 minutes


(a) Plagues and epidemics are not new to mankind. These forms of Divine Punishment had existed since time immemorial. In the great epidemic during the era of the Sahaabah there is adequate lesson and guidance for Muslims. While deviates advise Muslims to abandon the Musaajid, never did the Sahaabah (the Noble Companions) proffer such treacherous advice. If such a drastic measure bordering on apostasy had been necessary during an epidemic, there would have been ample guidance from the Sahaabah.


(b) Sahaabah who had returned to Madinah from the plague-stricken region were not debarred from the Musjid.


(c) It is the Sunnah (Traditional Practice) of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) to rush to the Musjid whenever he discerned some calamity such as stormy weather and the like. Now is the time for Muslims to observe Jamaat Salaat with greater diligence.


(d) In the entire history of Islam, from its very inception, to a few weeks ago, NEVER were any Musaajid closed by Muslims, neither by Muslim governments nor by the mutawallis nor by the communities. In our era in close proximity to Qiyaamah (the Resurrection), the villainy of the closure of the Musaajid and the cancellation of Salaat are the satanic handiwork of the Munaafiqeen (hypocrites) in our midst. Allah Ta’ala has made manifest the Munaafiqeen. Their nifaaq (hypocrisy) has been advertised by Allah Ta’ala for all and sundry to see and to recognize the traitors lurking within the community.


(e) Whenever Musjids closed in any epidemic, it was not a closure by Muslims or the authorities, it was due to the total or near total decimation of the populace.  Bodies were being dumped unceremoniously in mass graves. There was no choice – no option other than to act as they did. No one locked the Musaajid. There were just no Muslims remaining to attend the Musaajid. On the contrary, where there were communities, still alive, they flocked to the Musaajid, supplicating and pleading to Allah Ta’ala. But it was too late. The decree had already gone forth. There was no turning back. The Athaab (Divine Chastisement) had to take its course.


(f) Never in the entire, 1400 year history of this Ummah, throughout its numerous plagues, epidemics, and pandemics, did a single Faqeeh (jurist), nor even a single Munaafiq (a disbeliever at heart masquerading as a Muslim) scholar, ever dare to come out and declare the suspension of Jumu’ah (the Friday Prayer) or the daily congregational prayers.


(g) Plagues existed since time immemorial. Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) spoke about plagues and provided the necessary guidance for observance during plagues. Plagues are not new occurrences. Yet no one among the authorities of Islam shut down the Mosques.


(h) During the era of the Sahaabah there erupted a severe plague which claimed the lives of many thousands. Numerous Sahaabah and senior Taabieen Ulama (scholars who were the students of the Sahaabah) and Fuqaha (jurists) were martyred in the plague of Amwaas in the Land of Shaam. Despite the ravaging plague of Amwaas as well as other plagues of greater severity in which millions perished, NEVER did the idea of closing the Musaajid and performing the Fardh Salaat at home ever occur to the Sahaabah and to the Ummah until this present era in which we witness a glut of munaafiqeen and bootlickers.


(i) Furthermore, according to the Shariah when a valid factor prevents one from attending the Musjid for Jamaat Salaat, then the absentee will receive the full reward of Jamaat Salaat. This is Allah’s grace and benevolence. But it has not been extended to the plague. As far as the plague is concerned the Ta-aamul of the Sahaabah, Taabieen and the entire Ummah throughout the history of Islam is ample direction and guidance for us.


(j) It is haraam (totally forbidden in Islamic Law) to present the plague as an excuse for closing the Musaajid, for convoluting the Athaan into Bid’ah (an innovated form), for banning the Fardh Salaat in the Musaajid and for the heresy of forcing musallis (congregants) to stand a ‘kilometre’ apart in the sufoof (rows of Prayer) in flagrant and heretical violation and rejection of the Fardh command of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) to stand shoulder to shoulder such as Bunyaanul Marsoos (a solid steel wall).


(k) For these Munaafiqeen, the Qur’aan Majeed says:

“Who is a greater zaalim (oppressor) than the one who prevents the Thikr of Allah’s Name in the Musaajid and he strives to ruin the Musaajid?”

This Aayat of the Qur’aan applies most aptly to these munaafiqeen who have ruined the Musaajid.


(l) Another heinous lie is the fabrication: “Those who stay at home to protect themselves and others are under the protection of Allah.” Attributing this fabrication to Musnad Ahmed (a Hadith Work) they further indurate their heresy. The term ‘bait’ (house / home) in the context does not have a literal meaning. It refers to the region or locality where the plague has struck. If it was of literal import, the Sahaabah would have implemented it during the Plague of Amwaas in which tens of thousands, including senior Sahaabah, were killed and martyred. Those for whom the plague was an Athaab, were killed, and those for whom it was a Shahaadat, were martyred. No one during the plague was confined by authority to remain indoors as we are subjected to currently. The people emerged from their homes and flocked to the Musaajid for Salaat. The Musaajid were not closed. Jamaat Salaat was not banned in the Musaajid. Jumuah Salaat was not cancelled. And, the Athaan was not interpolated with the words: Salloo fi buyootikum. The Salaat sufoof formed normally, shoulder to shoulder.


(m) That the entire earth has been made valid for Salaat does not cancel the Wujoob (Compulsion) of performing Salaat with Jamaat (in congregation) in the Musjid. It does not cancel Jumu’ah Salaat in the Musjid. The entire earth has NOT been made a Musjid in the technical meaning of the Shariah. The Hadith only means that Salaat is valid wherever one is able to perform it. No one has an excuse for foregoing Salaat. The Hadith does not abolish the Waajib (mandatory) acts of Salaat which incumbently require a Musjid for their performance.


(n) The Wujoob (compulsion) of performing the Fardh Jamaat Salaat in the Musjid has such great and imperative importance that Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) threatened to burn down the houses of those who do not attend the Musjid for Fardh Salaat. Now if the Musjid had the insignificant connation attributed to it by the munaafiq agents of Iblees (Satan), what is the meaning of burning down the houses of those who do not attend the Musjid to perform Salaat with Jamaat? The Musjid is inextricably interwoven with the valid and proper discharge of the Daily Fardh and Jumuah Salaat.


(o) There is Ijma’ of the Ummah from the inception of Islam to this day, that it is haraam (absolutely forbidden) to close the Musaajid, and in cases of the Munaafiqeen and Zindeeqs (heretics) closing the Musaajid it is kufr (apostasy).


(p) The Five Fardh Salaat with Jamaat in the Musjid is Waajib. Jumu’ah Salaat in the Musjid is Fardh. Eid Salaat in the Musjid / Eidgah is Waajib. Those who discard this Waajib injunction pertaining to the Musjid venue are are in line for severe divine punishment.


(q) Regarding those who do not observe the Waajib (Mandatory) injunction of performing Salaat in the Musjid, Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:

   “I take oath by the One in Whose control is my life! Most certainly, I had resolved to command the gathering of firewood. After it has been gathered, the Athaan shall be given. Then I shall command a person to lead the Salaat. He will then lead the Salaat while I shall proceed to those people who are not present for Salaat (in the Musjid). Then I shall burn down their houses.”  (Bukhaari and Muslim)


(r) Commenting on this Hadith, Mullah Ali Qaari (the great Hadith exegetist) says: “The imperative importance of Jamaat Salaat in the Musaajid can be adequately gauged. Just ponder with what emphasis the warning of Divine Punishment has been sounded for those people who absent themselves from the Musaajid for Jamaat Salaat without valid reason. Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) himself had decided such severe punishment for those who abstain from the Musjid for the Fardh Salaat.” (Mirqaatul Mafaateeh)


(s) Another Hadith in Muslim states:

“A blind man came to Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and said: ‘O Rasulullah! Verily, I do not have a guide to lead me to the Musjid.” He then sought permission for abstention.  Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) granted the concession. As he departed, Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) recalled him and asked: ‘Do you hear the Athaan for Salaat?’ He said: ‘Yes.’ Then Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: ‘Then answer!”.


(t) The blind man was ordered to attend Jamaat Salaat despite not having a guide to lead him to the Musjid.


(u) From these narrations the compulsion of performing Fardh and Jumuah Salaat in the Musjid can be easily comprehended. There is no difference of opinion in Islam on the imperative importance and incumbency of Jamaat Salaat and Jumuah Salaat in the Musjid. Thus, the Fardh, Jumuah and Eid Salaat are Venue-Dependent. Any contrary claim of a Zindeeq (heretic) is palpable bunkum to be dismissed with contempt.


(v) Noteworthy is the fact that all of the numerous Sahaabah, senior Taabieen and innumerable others had died in the plague-stricken locality of Amwaas. They did not close the Musaajid. The Musaajid remained open, and Jamaat Salaat and Jumuah Salaat continued unabated throughout the duration of the Plague of Amwaas as well as in all subsequent plagues. Never did the Islamic authorities order closure of the Musaajid nor a satanic suspension of Salaat in the Musaajid. The type of abrogation of Salaat called for by the munaafiqs (hypocrites) renders them murtaddeen (apostate).


(w) Allah Ta’ala says in the Qur’aan Majeed: “Who is a greater oppressor than the one who prevents the Thikr of Allah in the Musaajid, and he strives (plots) in its destruction?” (Baqarah, Aayat 114)


(x) There are no viler munaafiq scoundrels than those of these fake and bogus jamiats and judicial councils who have closed the Musaajid and discontinued the daily Fardh and Jumuah Salaat. The villainy of these Hypocrites is unprecedented in the annals of Islam.


(y) Whereas it was the Sunnah of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) to make haste to the Musjid  whenever there occurred a perceived calamity such as a storm, the munaafiqs of today have rushed to close the Musaajid and to prevent Muslims from performing Salaat in the Musaajid. Their actions are the very antithesis of the Sunnah of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam). They are the enemies of the Sunnah, the enemies of Allah, the enemies of the Ummah and the enemies of Islam.


(z) The Musaajid are the noblest and most sacred places on earth according to Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam).


Salaam upon those who follow the Guidance and Guidlines of Islam