A Successful Treatment for Covid-19 from Taibah University Medical Team, in Madina Sharif, Saudi Arabia.
A successful treatment for Covid-19 from a Taibah University medical research team, in Madina Sharif, Saudi Arabia.
A short post about their finding was shared by one of the researchers on the team, Dr. Salah Mohamed El Sayed, and the translation in English is below. [Translated by Ahmad ibn Samih Abdel-Wahab]
The medical research paper is here: http://www.sciepub.com/AJPHR/abstract/11658
This short post is only a summary of their research.
* * * [translation of original post]
From Dr. Salah Mohamed El Sayed
(Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, Taibah Faculty of Medicine, Taibah University, Madinah, Saudi Arabia)
Dr. Salah wrote:
We studied the effect of natural plants which are well known and which scientific research has shown [to be effective in this], such as black seeds (nigella sativa), chamomile (anthemia hyaline), and cloves, in order to treat the Coronavirus [Covid19].
This is our published research, which includes the therapeutic protocol:
I will not digress, but it is enough to say that the research of Ulasi shows how both black seeds and chamomile can completely stop the growth of the Coronavirus. Here’s the link to the research:
By Allah’s virtue, all of the Corona [Covid] patients who used this ailment, TaibUVID, have improved, and they prepared it in their own homes. It didn’t take a patient more than one week to improve.
We have published the therapeutic protocol in a medical journal (I will attach here) so that everyone can access it. Perhaps we can save a life of someone dear, and how many they are! Allah knows the intentions.
One dose of TaibUVID consists of
– one teaspoon (two grams) of black seeds,
– one teaspoon (one gram) of [ground] chamomile,
-and one table spoon of natural bee honey.
Mix well. Then, chew well and then swallow. It is preferred that you drink juice after this, or eat an orange, a lemon, or a tangerine.
For prevention: Take one dose [of the above] daily, until this epidemic ends.
For cure: Take five doses daily, for an entire week. Then take one dose daily until the epidemic ends.
If there is a severe cough or difficulty in breathing, you can inhale the vapors from black seed oil, or clove oil, or what remains of solution after boiling [and sifting] black seeds and chamomile. Simply place any of the above in a nebulizer, and inhale [the vapor].
If you do not have a nebulizer, then you can put one table spoon of black seeds, one table spoon of chamomile, and one cup of water in a pot, and cover it partially. Then, let it heat up on a low fire [or low heat] and inhale [the vapors]. Do this 5-6 times a day.
By Allah’s grace, all cases have recovered.
May Allah protect everyone.
O Allah, I have relayed [this information]. O Allah, bear witness.
Here is the link to the research:
Salah Mohamed El Sayed (1), (2),
(1) Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, Taibah Faculty of Medicine, Taibah University, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, Saudi Arabia
(2) Department of Medical Biochemistry, Sohag Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University, Egypt;Integrative Medicine and Prophetic Medicine Course and Research, Taibah Faculty of Medicine, Taibah University, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah Saudi Arabia
[Translators note: There were 10 other researchers on the team. Please see the link http://www.sciepub.com/AJPHR/abstract/11658