Beware of Making a Hole in the Ship
Hole in the Ship
Al-Nu’man ibn Bashir reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The parable of those who respect the limits of Allah and those who violate them is that of people who board a ship after casting lots, some of them residing in its upper deck and others in its lower deck. When those in the lower deck want water, they pass by the upper deck and say: If we tear a hole in the bottom of the ship, we will not harm those above us. If those in the upper deck let them do what they want, they will all be destroyed together. If they restrain them, they will all be saved together.”
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 2361
All praises are due unto Allah Ta`ala alone. Durood and Salaams be upon Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam
Says Allah Ta’ala: “And they (the Mu’mineen) love Allah and Allah loves them.”
Rasulullah Salallahu alayhi wasallam informed us that Allah Ta’ala loves us seventy times more than what our parents love us.
There are two types of love:
One superficial and shallow, the other genuine and true. The one is self- flattering, the other is sincere. The one is self-serving, the other is to serve the beloved. The one is to give pleasure to oneself, the other is to please the beloved.
True love is what everyone claims they have for Allah Ta`ala. But just how authentic is this claim?
One of the vital signs of true love is that they will get angry when their Beloved is disobeyed, His Orders flouted and His Authority challenged.
If a son disobeys his father and comes home late, hangs around with loafers and hooligans, then the mother, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends will all get angry at this son. Why? Because they love the father and cannot see him being disobeyed and treated unimportantly. The love they have for the father is reflected in the proportion to the anger. The deeper the love, the greater the anger. If no anger is felt at the disgraceful behaviour of brother, then it is a sign that no true love existed for the father.
The Auliya get angry, very, very angry when Allah Ta`ala is disobeyed. They may not display the anger always, but deep down they hurt. They fume. They seethe and they rage.
And Allah Loves them even more for this. Did Allah not instruct every Mu’min, every Muslim to pledge him or herself every night to distance himself from those who disobey Him with the words of Du’a-e-Qunoot: ‘Wa nat ruku may-yaf juruk?’ (And O Allah, we leave aside those who disobey you).
Did Rasulullah Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam not rage with anger at those who did not attend Salaah in the Masjid? Did he not express his desire to BURN their homes? Why? Because they treated Allah’s commands so very casually, that’s why!
* Those responsible for Closing the Masjid, removing the Quran Sharif, Social Distancing,Alcohol Sanitisers – are they not digging the hole… thinking they “Saving” others from Harm?
Did Rasulullah Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam not make it clear that he would have cut of the hand of Fatima his own beloved daughter had she violated the law by stealing! What love for Allah! What anger for Allah!
Did Rasulullah Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam not force his beloved grandson to spit out a date which was Haraam for him? “Allah made it Haraam for us”, he said. It did not matter that it was but just a small boy and that it was just a date. Allah cannot be and will not be disobeyed. The date could not be consumed.
Allah is important. Allah is Significant. Allah’s commands are important. Allah’s commands are significant.
By not getting angry at sin, vice, evil, Haraam, scantily dressed Muslims, the wanton abandonment of Salaah and the abandonment of the Sunnah, we are fooling ourselves that we Love Allah.
Says the great scholar Ibn al-Qayyim in “A’alaam al-Muwaqqi’een”, volume 2, page 176:
“Indeed, what kind of piety is there in a person who witnesses Allah’s sanctities being violated, his religion abandoned, the Sunnah of His Messenger shunned, and yet remains still with a cold heart and a shut mouth? Such a person is like a dumb Shaitaan!”
These people, besides deserving the anger of Allah, are afflicted with the greatest calamity without even knowing it.
They have dead hearts. Indeed, the more alive a person’s heart is, the stronger its anger for the sake of Allah and the more complete his support to Islam and Muslims.
Yes, there is no reason to be apologetic when the need arises to use words such as “Faasiq, Faajir, Murtad, Munaafiq or Zindeeq.” This is the vocabulary of the Shariah, found in the Holy Qur’an and Ahaadeeth and in the terminology of the Fuqaha and Auliya. These are words that portray a deep Love for Allah.
When the Shariah demands anger and aggression, it is Shaytaan that will whisper “brotherhood and unity”.
Indeed sweeter than honey, yet more dangerous than a snake.