Tafweedh (Handing our affairs over to Allah سبحانه وتعالىٰ )

Reading Time: 3 minutes


Allah Ta’aala narrates the words of a person who had secretly brought Imaan:

“And I hand over my affairs unto Allah…”

Daily we are confronted with difficulties and fears. How much can we do to comfort ourselves? There comes a point where we simply have to throw up our hands and say: “I can’t do anything more.”

Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam taught us to tie our camel as well as to make Du’a.

Nabi Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam use to recite Hasbiyallah (Allah suffices for me) frequently. When the Sahaabah Radiallahu anhum were threatened by the numerical superiority of the Kuffaar, instead of being cowed down, they simply found their chests swelling with the power of Imaan. They fearlessly proclaimed

“Allah is sufficient for us!”

In Hadith we find the following “Hasbiyallah’s” of Rasulullah Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam:

  1. Hasbiyallahu li-Deeni (Allah suffices for my Deen)
  2. Hasbiyallahu li-Dunyaa-ya (Allah suffices for my Dunya)
  3. Hasbuyallahu lima ahammani (Allah is sufficient for that which is important to me)
  4. Hasbiyallahu Limam bagha alay-ya (Allah is sufficient for me against those who oppress me)
  5. Hasbiyallahu liman hasada-ni (Allah is sufficient for me against those who harbour jealousy against me)
  6. Hasbiyallahu liman kaadani-bi-soo (Allah is sufficient for against those who conspire against me)
  7. Hasbiyallahu fil qabri (Allah is sufficient for me in my Qabr)
  8. Hasbiyallahu indal-maut (Allah is sufficient for me at the time of death)
  9. Hasbiyallahu indas-seeraat (Allah is sufficient for me at the time of crossing the bridge of Seeraat)
  10. Hasbiyallahu indal-Hesaab (Allah is sufficient for me at the time of accountability)

(The above has been compiled from Munaajaate-Maqbul)

From the above we can understand just how much reliance Rasulullah Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam placed on Allah Ta’ala.

For every conceivable type of concern, he turned unto Allah. Rasulullah Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam taught us to bond ourselves and forge our relationship with Allah Ta’aala. When in difficulty, a Muslim looks at the skies for assistance. He looks at the palms of his hands with humility.

We, by nature, fear our enemies and their schemes. We fear the evil of a jealous person’s gaze, words and intentions. Our worldly affairs are largely in disarray, our Deeni affairs are filled with uncertainties and confusion. The pangs of Maut we have to face alone and the dark lonely Qabr terrifies us. The accountability may be severe and the crossing of the Pul Seerat (the Bridge which spans Jahannam and which is thinner than a hair and sharper than a blade) is certain.

Who but upon Allah can we depend?

Who but Allah can assist us?

Who but Allah can we place our absolute trust in?

Who but Allah can be worthy of our trust?

Who but Allah is capable of assisting us?

Who but Allah never tires in protecting us?

Who but Allah is our companion?

Who but Allah is sufficient for us?

A story

Never tire, O friend, in asking from Allah. A pious person states that he made continuous Du’a for a need for twenty years before his Du’a was answered.

There was once a person who was the lone survivor of a ship wreck on an abandoned island.

He cried and made Du’a unto Allah to help him. His Du’as appeared to be unheard. He felt despondent.

After a few days, he built a small shelter with some wood of the wrecked ship to protect himself against the wind, rain and hot sun.

One day, whilst out searching for some food, he suddenly observed smoke coming from the direction of his humble dwelling. He rushed back only to find that his entire hut had burned out.

“O Allah, even this little that I have has been snatched away from me” – he moaned with a broken shattered heart.

Just then he saw a ship coming closer to the shore. His delight knew no bounds. He was going to be rescued. He was going to go home!

After he boarded the ship, the captain informed him that the smoke signals he made caused him to divert his ship to the island.

“But I made no signals” said the man.

Then he realized that the smoke that was seen was in reality the smoke from the burning hut.

Allah caused his hut to burn in order to attract the attention of the captain! And he was so foolish as to complain to Allah! He felt ashamed of himself.

The lesson we take is that Allah is always sufficient for us. May Allah grant us the Taufeeq to make the correct effort in all spheres of life and thereafter to surrender ourselves to His Wise decisions and to accept them with full trust. (Ameen)