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Prohibiting gazes and glances of evil, the Qur’aan Majeed says: “Say (O Muhammad!) to the Mu’mineen that they cast down their gazes and guard their chastity. Casting glances at ghair mahrams is a sin which is extremely reprehensible. The sin of casting glances at ghair mahrams has been described as zina in the Hadith. The Hadith says in this regard: “The eyes commit zina.” Both males and females are profusely involved in this evil sin of zina of the eyes. The intensity of the involvement in this vice is so much that people have ceased to even think of it as being sinful. To think of sin lightly is close to kufr. The zina of the eyes eliminates Taqwa. It blights the Noor of intelligence, and the Noor of the heart is severely tarnished.

Once a man who had been looking at ghair mahram women entered into the gathering of Hadhrat Uthmaan (radhiyallahu anhu). By virtue of his firaasat and Noor-e-Baatin, Hadhrat Uthmaan (radhiyallahu anhu) could perceive the zina in his eyes. However, in order to avoid embarrassing the man, Hadhrat Uthmaan (radhiyallahu anhu) said in general terms: “What has happened to the people. Zina is gushingfrom their eyes. ” Men of profound taqwa do not disgrace or embarrass others. Sometimes Allah Ta’ala reveals the inner conditions of people to his Auliya. On the other hand, those who indulge in gheebat and relish in embarrassing others are never gifted with spiritual abilities of this nature. This sin of evil gazing is rampant among all classes of people. The so-called overtly pious, the Ulama, the Mashaaikh, young people, old people, male and female, all are involved in this despicable sin. According to the Ahl-e-Kashf a severe spiritual malady of darkness afflicts the eyes of those who are involved in this despicable disease of gazing at ghair mahrams. A man of firaasat can discern the impurity in the eyes of the culprit. There is no spiritual glitter in the eyes of a person who is polluted with the disease of evil gazing. (Ahl-e-Kashf are the Auliya who are inspired by Allah Ta’ala)

Hadhrat Hakimul Ummat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thaanvi (rahmatullah alayh) said: “Once in a dream I saw Dajjaal being accompanied by a large gathering of women together with musical instruments. I am therefore extremely cautious of them. Those who are engrossed in the vice of evil gazing will join the company of Dajjaal.” Hadhrat Abul Qaasim Qushairi (rahmatullah alayh) said: “The (evil) gaze is an arrow from among the arrows of shaitaan.” (In fact this is a Hadith narration.) Once while making tawaaf of the Ka’bah, a buzroog (saint) saw a one-eyed man supplicating with great fear: “O Allah! I seek Your protection from Your Wrath.” The buzroog enquired from him the reason for his intense fear. The man said: “Once while making Tawaaf I cast an evil gaze. From out of nowhere a hand appeared slapping me with such force which smashed my one eye.” Once a mureed of Hadhrat Junaid Baghdaadi (rahmatullah alayh) cast an evil gaze of lust on a handsome young Christian lad and remarked: “What, will Allah Ta’ala assign such a handsome form to Jahannum?” Hadhrat Junaid (rahmatullah alayh) said: “You glanced at him with evil intent. Soon will you see its consequence.” Soon thereafter, this mureed forgot the entire Qur’aan Shareef.

It is imperative to restrain the nafs and curb the eyes from commission of this haraam act. Shaitaan and the nafs have deceived most people into believing that it is beyond their power to prevent their eyes from gazing at ghair mahrams. Some pressure exercised on the nafs may seem difficultin the beginning. But it is utterly baseless to claim that it is beyond one’s power to restrain the nafs and curb the eyes. When a firm resolution is made, Allah’s aid is acquired. It does not behove the Mu’min to destroy the roohaaniyat which he acquires from his acts of ibaadat by involving himself in this reprehensible disease of the eyes.