Hazrat Maseehullah Rahmatullahi Alayhi narrates the qissah as follows:
After eating a meal, there is a delicacy called “ghunyá” ‒ chaná (chickpea) and wheat are combined and boiled. Pírání-Sáhibáh (Hadhratwálá’s wife) said: “Some ghunyá has been prepared. Shall I bring some?” Hadhratwálá replied: “Very good!” When it was given, he commenced to eat. While eating, one chaná slipped form his hand and fell on the ground. He looked for it, but did not find it. Some children were playing nearby. Hadhratwálá said to them:
“One chaná slipped from my hand onto the ground. Just look for it and give it to me.” A little girl found it. “Barè-Abbá! I found it!” Hadhratwálá said: “Hand it to me.” He took it, cleaned it and ate it. Later, for our tarbiyet and tutoring, and to express the value and status of the ne’mat (blessing) of Haqq-Ta’álá, he related the incident to us:
“I was eating some ghunyá when a chaná slipped from my hand onto the ground. Until I did not find it and eat it, my body had no life in it. The thought that was in my mind was that, if AlláhTa’aala got me to stand in front of Him and asked me:
‘Why did you eat My ne’mat with such carelessness, and when it fell from your hand, why did you not search for it and eat it? Give an answer!’
What answer would I give?”
Let us make a little assessment from this. The order of Alláh Ta’aala is to make shukr for His ne’mats. In the above incident where the item – the chaná – is considered to be worldly (materialistic) in that it is nutrition for the physical body, but still a ne’mat of Alláh Ta’aala, is valued to such a great extent, that discarding it causes such dread and fear, how could such a person discard rúhání nutrition, meaning ’ibádat? Namáz is in its place and status, but how could he discard other lesser schedules (ma’múl) pertaining to rúhániyet and radhá (pleasure of Alláh Ta’aala)? When the bodily, physical nutrition of such an insignificant item (as a chaná), is honoured to such an extent, how great will not be the honour and value attached to rúhání nutrition. And how can that be discarded?
Just ponder! To what a great extent is the muhabbat of Alláh Ta’aala and Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam ingrained, implanted and embedded in the heart of such a personage?