The Rights of Parents
In Islam, there are fourteen rights of parents that one has to observe. These rights can be categorized into two parts:
a) Seven rights which are to be practised while the parents are alive.
b) Seven rights which are to be observed when they have passed away.
(a) The seven rights which have to be practised when they are alive are:
1. Having respect for them.
2. Displaying affection and love towards them.
3. Obedience to them.
4. Serving them.
5. Having concern for their comfort.
6. To assist in fulfilling their needs.
7. To visit them regularly.
Those rights which have to be observed when they have left this world:
1. To make Du’â (pray) for their forgiveness.
2. To perform virtuous deeds and pass on the rewards to the parents.
3. To respect and honour their friends, relatives and acquaintences.
4. To render help and assistance to their friends, relatives and acquaintences.
- To pay off their debts and discharge their obligations.
6. To execute their will ( according to the Shari’ah).
7. To visit their qabr (grave) occasionally.
Courtesy of Majlis-e-Dawatul Haq, Leicester