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1. Intention (O Allah! I am making wudhu to perform Ibaadat)

2. Sit on a raised place

3. Face qiblah

4. Tasmiyah and dua before wudhu (Bismillahil atheem walhamdulillahi ala deenil Islam)

5. Wash both hands up to wrists thrice

6. Dua when washing hands

7. Rinse miswaak

8. Brush teeth with miswaak thrice

9. Dua when using miswaak

10. Rinse mouth thrice

11. Pull water into nostrils thrice

12. Blow nose

13. Dua when blowing nose

14. Wash face thoroughly thrice.

15. Dua when washing face

16. Ensure that the eyewells and areas between the beard and ears are thoroughly washed.

17. If the beard is thin – wash to ensure the water reaches the skin beneath it.

18. Khilal of the beard with fresh water

19. Wash right arm from fingertips to, and including elbow – thrice

20. Dua when washing right arm

21. Wash left arm from fingertips to, and including elbow – thrice

22. Dua when washing left arm

23. Khilal of the fingers

24. Masah on the entire head – once

25. Dua at the time of masah

26. Masah or the ears with the leftover water

27. Masah of the nape with the leftover water

28. Wash right foot thoroughly up to, and including the ankle – thrice

29. Dua when washing the right foot

30. Khilal of right toes – small to big toe. Use small finger of the left hand

31. Dua when washing the left foot

32. Wash left foot thoroughly upto, and including the ankle – thrice

33. Khilal of left toes – small to big toe. Use small finger of the left hand

35. Kalimah shahaadah

36. Dua after wudhu (Allahummaj’alni minat tawwabeen waj’alni minal mutatahhireen)

36. Recite surah Qadr (inna anzalnahu fee laylatil qadr)

37. Two rakaats tahiyyatul wudhu.

BEWARE OF WALHAN! Ibn Majah related that the Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said: “There is a shaytan
(devil) for ablution called `walhan’, meaning greedy, Avoid the waste of water.”


Hadhrat Uthman bin ‘Affan (Radiallahu anhu) narrates that Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “Whoever performs a perfect Wudhu, the sins are washed off from his body to such an extent they even come out from beneath his nails.

Abu Hurairah (Radiallahu anhu) says, ‘I heard Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) say-ing, “The believer will wear the ornaments of Jannah on the limbs of Wudhu.”

Umar bin Khattab (RA) narrates that Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “There is no one of you who performs a perfect Wudhu, then he says Ash Hadu al laa Ilaaha

Illal lahu Wahdahu laa Shareeka lahu wa Ash Hadu anna Muhammadan ‘Abduhu wa Rasooluhu except that the eight doors of Jannah are opened up for him and he may enter through any door he desires.” (Muslim)

What a great Key! “Wudhu is the key to salaah and salaah is the key to Jannah.”

Wudhu— a weapon – “Wudhu is the weapon of a Mu’min”

Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam made Du’a: ”O Allah grant me a perfect wudhu, a perfect salaah and Your complete Pleasure”